xcube resample
Resample data along the time dimension.
$ xcube resample --help
Usage: xcube resample [OPTIONS] CUBE
Resample data along the time dimension.
-c, --config CONFIG xcube dataset configuration file in YAML
format. More than one config input file is
allowed.When passing several config files,
they are merged considering the order passed
via command line.
-o, --output OUTPUT Output path. Defaults to 'out.zarr'.
-f, --format [zarr|netcdf4|mem]
Output format. If omitted, format will be
guessed from output path.
--variables, --vars VARIABLES Comma-separated list of names of variables
to be included.
-M, --method TEXT Temporal resampling method. Available
downsampling methods are 'count', 'first',
'last', 'min', 'max', 'sum', 'prod', 'mean',
'median', 'std', 'var', the upsampling
methods are 'asfreq', 'ffill', 'bfill',
'pad', 'nearest', 'interpolate'. If the
upsampling method is 'interpolate', the
option '--kind' will be used, if given.
Other upsampling methods that select
existing values honour the '--tolerance'
option. Defaults to 'mean'.
-F, --frequency TEXT Temporal aggregation frequency. Use format
"<count><offset>" where <offset> is one of
'H', 'D', 'W', 'M', 'Q', 'Y'. Use 'all' to
aggregate all time steps included in the
dataset.Defaults to '1D'.
-O, --offset TEXT Offset used to adjust the resampled time
labels. Uses same syntax as frequency. Some
Pandas date offset strings are supported as
-B, --base INTEGER For frequencies that evenly subdivide 1 day,
the origin of the aggregated intervals. For
example, for '24H' frequency, base could
range from 0 through 23. Defaults to 0.
-K, --kind TEXT Interpolation kind which will be used if
upsampling method is 'interpolation'. May be
one of 'zero', 'slinear', 'quadratic',
'cubic', 'linear', 'nearest', 'previous',
'next' where 'zero', 'slinear', 'quadratic',
'cubic' refer to a spline interpolation of
zeroth, first, second or third order;
'previous' and 'next' simply return the
previous or next value of the point. For
more info refer to
scipy.interpolate.interp1d(). Defaults to
-T, --tolerance TEXT Tolerance for selective upsampling methods.
Uses same syntax as frequency. If the time
delta exceeds the tolerance, fill values
(NaN) will be used. Defaults to the given
-q, --quiet Disable output of log messages to the
console entirely. Note, this will also
suppress error and warning messages.
-v, --verbose Enable output of log messages to the
console. Has no effect if --quiet/-q is
used. May be given multiple times to control
the level of log messages, i.e., -v refers
to level INFO, -vv to DETAIL, -vvv to DEBUG,
-vvvv to TRACE. If omitted, the log level of
the console is WARNING.
--dry-run Just read and process inputs, but don't
produce any outputs.
--help Show this message and exit.
Upsampling example:
$ xcube resample --vars conc_chl,conc_tsm -F 12H -T 6H -M interpolation -K linear examples/serve/demo/cube.nc
Downsampling example:
$ xcube resample --vars conc_chl,conc_tsm -F 3D -M mean -M std -M count examples/serve/demo/cube.nc
Python API
The related Python API function is xcube.core.resample.resample_in_time()