Source code for xcube.core.geom

# Copyright (c) 2018-2024 by xcube team and contributors
# Permissions are hereby granted under the terms of the MIT License:

import math
import warnings
from typing import Optional, Union, Dict, Tuple, Any, List
from import Sequence, Mapping

import affine
import dask.array as da
import geopandas as gpd
import numpy as np
import rasterio.features
import shapely.geometry
import shapely.geometry
import shapely.wkt
import xarray as xr

from xcube.core.schema import get_dataset_bounds_var_name
from xcube.core.schema import get_dataset_chunks
from xcube.core.schema import get_dataset_xy_var_names
from xcube.core.update import update_dataset_spatial_attrs
from xcube.util.geojson import GeoJSON
from xcube.util.types import normalize_scalar_or_pair

GeometryLike = Union[
    shapely.geometry.base.BaseGeometry, dict[str, Any], str, Sequence[Union[float, int]]
Bounds = tuple[float, float, float, float]
SplitBounds = tuple[Bounds, Optional[Bounds]]

Name = str
Attrs = Mapping[Name, Any]
GeoJSONFeature = Mapping[Name, Any]
GeoJSONFeatures = Sequence[GeoJSONFeature]
GeoDataFrame = "pandas.geodataframe.GeoDataFrame"
VarProps = Mapping[Name, Mapping[Name, Any]]

    "Geometry must be either a shapely geometry object, "
    "a GeoJSON-serializable dictionary, a geometry WKT string, "
    "box coordinates (x1, y1, x2, y2), "
    "or point coordinates (x, y)"

_INVALID_BOX_COORDS_MSG = "Invalid box coordinates"

[docs] def rasterize_features( dataset: xr.Dataset, features: Union[GeoDataFrame, GeoJSONFeatures], feature_props: Sequence[Name], var_props: dict[Name, VarProps] = None, tile_size: Union[int, tuple[int, int]] = None, all_touched: bool = False, in_place: bool = False, ) -> Optional[xr.Dataset]: """ Rasterize feature properties given by *feature_props* of vector-data *features* as new variables into *dataset*. *dataset* must have two spatial 1-D coordinates, either ``lon`` and ``lat`` in degrees, reprojected coordinates, ``x`` and ``y``, or similar. *feature_props* is a sequence of names of feature properties that must exists in each feature of *features*. *features* may be passed as pandas.GeoDataFrame`` or as an iterable of GeoJSON features. Using the optional *var_props*, the properties of newly created variables from feature properties can be specified. It is a mapping of feature property names to mappings of variable properties. Here is an example variable properties mapping::: { 'name': 'land_class', # (str) - the variable's name, # default is the feature property name; 'dtype' np.int16, # (str|np.dtype) - the variable's dtype, # default is np.float64; 'fill_value': -999, # (bool|int|float|np.nparray) - # the variable's fill value, # default is np.nan; 'attrs': {}, # (Mapping[str, Any]) - # the variable's fill value, default is {}; 'converter': int, # (Callable[[Any], Any]) - # a converter function used to convert # from property feature value to variable # value, default is float. # Deprecated, no longer used. } Note that newly created variables will have data type ``np.float64`` because ``np.nan`` is used to encode missing values. ``fill_value`` and ``dtype`` are used to encode the variables when persisting the data. Currently, the coordinates of the geometries in the given *features* must use the same CRS as the given *dataset*. Args: dataset: The xarray dataset. features: A ``geopandas.GeoDataFrame`` instance or a sequence of GeoJSON features. feature_props: Sequence of names of numeric feature properties to be rasterized. var_props: Optional mapping of feature property name to a name or a 5-tuple (name, dtype, fill_value, attributes, converter) for the new variable. tile_size: If given, the unconditional spatial chunk sizes in x- and y-direction in pixels. May be given as integer scalar or x,y-pair of integers. all_touched: If True, all pixels intersected by a feature's geometry outlines will be included. If False, only pixels whose center is within the feature polygon or that are selected by Bresenham’s line algorithm will be included in the mask. The default is False. in_place: Whether to add new variables to *dataset*. If False, a copy will be created and returned. Returns: dataset with rasterized feature_property """ var_props = var_props or {} for v in var_props.values(): if v and "converter" in v: warnings.warn( f'the "converter" property of var_props' f" has been deprecated and will be ignored", DeprecationWarning, ) xy_var_names = get_dataset_xy_var_names(dataset, must_exist=True) x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max = get_dataset_bounds(dataset) x_var_name, y_var_name = xy_var_names x_var, y_var = dataset[x_var_name], dataset[y_var_name] x_dim, y_dim = x_var.dims[0], y_var.dims[0] yx_coords = {y_var_name: y_var, x_var_name: x_var} yx_dims = y_dim, x_dim width = x_var.size height = y_var.size x_res = (x_max - x_min) / width y_res = (y_max - y_min) / height yx_chunks = _get_spatial_chunks(dataset, x_var_name, y_var_name, tile_size) if isinstance(features, gpd.GeoDataFrame): geo_data_frame = features else: geo_data_frame = gpd.GeoDataFrame.from_features(features) for feature_prop_name in feature_props: if feature_prop_name not in geo_data_frame: raise ValueError(f"feature property " f"{feature_prop_name!r} not found") # Filter out empty or invalid geometries, remember valid rows geometries = [] valid_row_indices = [] for row_index in range(len(geo_data_frame)): geometry = geo_data_frame.geometry[row_index] if not geometry.is_empty and geometry.is_valid: valid_row_indices.append(row_index) geometries.append(geometry.__geo_interface__) # Collect columns of feature data for valid row indices valid_row_indices = np.array(valid_row_indices) feature_data = [] for feature_prop_name in feature_props: feature_values = geo_data_frame[feature_prop_name].to_numpy() feature_values = feature_values[valid_row_indices] var_prop_mapping = var_props.get(feature_prop_name, {}) dtype = var_prop_mapping.get("dtype", feature_values.dtype) if dtype != feature_values.dtype: feature_values = feature_values.astype(dtype=dtype) feature_data.append(feature_values) # Rasterize all features into single blocks of type np.float64 # # Note, we process all rows and all features in every block, # so we need to mask only once per block and because masking # is an expensive operation. # # When there are many feature variables, and they are accessed # independently of each other, this may quickly become # expensive in terms of CPU. # However, if we'd create dask arrays for every row, this will become # also expensive in terms of memory and CPU, because of the potentially # very large graphs. # Alternatively, we could create independent dask graphs for # every feature with all rows processed in each block. # num_features = len(feature_props) chunks = da.core.normalize_chunks( (num_features, *yx_chunks), (num_features, height, width) ) rasterized_features = da.map_blocks( _rasterize_features_into_block, chunks=chunks, dtype=np.float64, meta=np.array((), dtype=np.float64), geometries=geometries, feature_data=feature_data, x_offset=x_min, y_offset=y_max, x_res=x_res, y_res=y_res, all_touched=all_touched, ) if y_var[0] < y_var[-1]: rasterized_features = rasterized_features[:, ::-1, ::] if not in_place: dataset = xr.Dataset(coords=dataset.coords, attrs=dataset.attrs) # Create feature variables from rasterized features for feature_index, feature_prop_name in enumerate(feature_props): var_prop_mapping = var_props.get(feature_prop_name, {}) var_name = var_prop_mapping.get("name", feature_prop_name.replace(" ", "_")) var_dtype = np.dtype(var_prop_mapping.get("dtype", np.float64)) var_fill_value = var_prop_mapping.get("fill_value", np.nan) var_attrs = var_prop_mapping.get("attrs", {}) feature_image = rasterized_features[feature_index] feature_var = xr.DataArray( feature_image, coords=yx_coords, dims=yx_dims, attrs=var_attrs ) feature_var.encoding.update(_FillValue=var_fill_value, dtype=var_dtype) dataset[var_name] = feature_var return dataset
def _rasterize_features_into_block( block_info: dict[Union[str, None], Any] = None, geometries: list[dict[str, Any]] = None, feature_data: list[np.ndarray] = None, x_offset: float = None, y_offset: float = None, x_res: float = None, y_res: float = None, all_touched: bool = None, ): ret_info = block_info[None] dtype = ret_info["dtype"] chunk_shape = ret_info["chunk-shape"] num_features, height, width = chunk_shape image_shape = height, width _, (y_start, y_end), (x_start, x_end) = ret_info["array-location"] x1 = x_offset + x_res * x_start x2 = x_offset + x_res * x_end y1 = y_offset - y_res * y_start y2 = y_offset - y_res * y_end transform = affine.Affine(x_res, 0.0, x1, 0.0, -y_res, y1) block_bounds =, min(y1, y2), x2, max(y1, y2)) block = np.full(chunk_shape, np.nan, dtype=dtype) for row_index, geometry in enumerate(geometries): shape = shapely.geometry.shape(geometry) shape = block_bounds.intersection(shape) if shape.is_empty: continue if not shape.is_valid: continue mask = rasterio.features.geometry_mask( [shape], out_shape=image_shape, transform=transform, all_touched=all_touched, invert=True, ) for i in range(num_features): background = block[i] foreground = np.full(image_shape, feature_data[i][row_index], dtype=dtype) block[i, :, :] = np.where(mask, foreground, background) return block
[docs] def mask_dataset_by_geometry( dataset: xr.Dataset, geometry: GeometryLike, tile_size: Union[int, tuple[int, int]] = None, excluded_vars: Sequence[str] = None, all_touched: bool = False, no_clip: bool = False, update_attrs: bool = True, save_geometry_mask: Union[str, bool] = False, save_geometry_wkt: Union[str, bool] = False, ) -> Optional[xr.Dataset]: """Mask a dataset according to the given geometry. The cells of variables of the returned dataset will have NaN-values where their spatial coordinates are not intersecting the given geometry. Args: dataset: The dataset geometry: A geometry-like object, see :func:`normalize_geometry`. tile_size: If given, the unconditional spatial chunk sizes in x- and y-direction in pixels. May be given as integer scalar or x,y-pair of integers. excluded_vars: Optional sequence of names of data variables that should not be masked (but still may be clipped). all_touched: If True, all pixels intersected by geometry outlines will be included in the mask. If False, only pixels whose center is within the polygon or that are selected by Bresenham’s line algorithm will be included in the mask. The default value is set to `False`. no_clip: If True, the function will not clip the dataset before masking, this is, the returned dataset will have the same dimension size as the given *dataset*. update_attrs: If *no_clip* is ``False``, weather to update (spatial) CF attributes of the returned dataset. The default is ``True``. save_geometry_mask: If the value is a string, the effective geometry mask array is stored as a 2D data variable named by *save_geometry_mask*. If the value is True, the name "geometry_mask" is used. save_geometry_wkt: If the value is a string, the effective intersection geometry is stored as a Geometry WKT string in the global attribute named by *save_geometry*. If the value is True, the name "geometry_wkt" is used. Returns: The dataset spatial subset, or None if the bounding box of the dataset has a no or a zero area intersection with the bounding box of the geometry. """ geometry = normalize_geometry(geometry) xy_var_names = get_dataset_xy_var_names(dataset, must_exist=True) dataset_bounds = get_dataset_bounds(dataset, xy_var_names=xy_var_names) intersection_geometry = intersect_geometries(dataset_bounds, geometry) if intersection_geometry is None: return None if not no_clip: dataset = _clip_dataset_by_geometry( dataset, intersection_geometry, xy_var_names, update_attrs=update_attrs, ) x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max = get_dataset_bounds(dataset, xy_var_names=xy_var_names) x_var_name, y_var_name = xy_var_names x_var, y_var = dataset[x_var_name], dataset[y_var_name] width = x_var.size height = y_var.size x_res = (x_max - x_min) / width y_res = (y_max - y_min) / height yx_chunks = _get_spatial_chunks(dataset, x_var_name, y_var_name, tile_size) chunks = da.core.normalize_chunks(yx_chunks, shape=(height, width)) mask_data = da.map_blocks( _mask_block, chunks=chunks, dtype=bool, meta=np.array((), dtype=bool), geometry=intersection_geometry, x_offset=x_min, y_offset=y_max, x_res=x_res, y_res=y_res, all_touched=all_touched, ) if y_var[0] < y_var[-1]: mask_data = mask_data[::-1, ::] mask = xr.DataArray( mask_data, coords={y_var_name: y_var, x_var_name: x_var}, dims=(y_var.dims[0], x_var.dims[0]), ) dataset_vars = {} for var_name, var in dataset.data_vars.items(): if not excluded_vars or var_name not in excluded_vars: dataset_vars[var_name] = var.where(mask) else: dataset_vars[var_name] = var masked_dataset = xr.Dataset( dataset_vars, coords=dataset.coords, attrs=dataset.attrs ) _save_geometry_mask(masked_dataset, mask, save_geometry_mask) _save_geometry_wkt(masked_dataset, intersection_geometry, save_geometry_wkt) return masked_dataset
def _mask_block( block_info: dict[Union[str, None], Any] = None, geometry: dict[str, Any] = None, x_offset: float = None, y_offset: float = None, x_res: float = None, y_res: float = None, all_touched: bool = None, ): ret_info = block_info[None] height, width = ret_info["chunk-shape"] (y_start, _), (x_start, _) = ret_info["array-location"] x1 = x_offset + x_res * x_start y1 = y_offset - y_res * y_start transform = affine.Affine(x_res, 0.0, x1, 0.0, -y_res, y1) return rasterio.features.geometry_mask( [shapely.geometry.shape(geometry)], out_shape=(height, width), transform=transform, all_touched=all_touched, invert=True, ) def _get_spatial_chunks( dataset: xr.Dataset, x_var_name: str, y_var_name: str, tile_size: Union[None, int, tuple[int, int]], ): width = dataset[x_var_name].size height = dataset[y_var_name].size if tile_size: tile_size = normalize_scalar_or_pair(tile_size, item_type=int, name="tile_size") yx_chunks = (min(height, tile_size[1]), min(width, tile_size[0])) else: dataset_chunks = get_dataset_chunks(dataset) yx_chunks = (dataset_chunks.get(y_var_name), dataset_chunks.get(x_var_name)) if not all(yx_chunks): yx_chunks = (min(height, 1024), min(width, 1024)) return yx_chunks
[docs] def clip_dataset_by_geometry( dataset: xr.Dataset, geometry: GeometryLike, update_attrs: bool = True, save_geometry_wkt: Union[str, bool] = False, ) -> Optional[xr.Dataset]: """Spatially clip a dataset according to the bounding box of a given geometry. Args: dataset: The dataset geometry: A geometry-like object, see :func:`normalize_geometry`. update_attrs: Weather to update (spatial) CF attributes of the returned dataset. The default is ``True``. save_geometry_wkt: If the value is a string, the effective intersection geometry is stored as a Geometry WKT string in the global attribute named by *save_geometry*. If the value is True, the name "geometry_wkt" is used. Returns: The dataset spatial subset, or None if the bounding box of the dataset has a no or a zero area intersection with the bounding box of the geometry. """ xy_var_names = get_dataset_xy_var_names(dataset, must_exist=True) intersection_geometry = intersect_geometries( get_dataset_bounds(dataset, xy_var_names=xy_var_names), geometry ) if intersection_geometry is None: return None return _clip_dataset_by_geometry( dataset, intersection_geometry, xy_var_names, update_attrs=update_attrs, save_geometry_wkt=save_geometry_wkt, )
def _clip_dataset_by_geometry( dataset: xr.Dataset, intersection_geometry: shapely.geometry.base.BaseGeometry, xy_var_names: tuple[str, str], update_attrs: bool = False, save_geometry_wkt: bool = False, ) -> Optional[xr.Dataset]: # TODO (forman): the following code is wrong, # if the dataset bounds cross the anti-meridian! ds_x_min, ds_y_min, ds_x_max, ds_y_max = get_dataset_bounds( dataset, xy_var_names=xy_var_names ) x_var_name, y_var_name = xy_var_names x_var = dataset[x_var_name] y_var = dataset[y_var_name] width = x_var.size height = y_var.size res_x = (ds_x_max - ds_x_min) / width res_y = (ds_y_max - ds_y_min) / height g_x_min, g_y_min, g_x_max, g_y_max = intersection_geometry.bounds x1 = _clamp(int(math.floor((g_x_min - ds_x_min) / res_x)), 0, width - 1) x2 = _clamp(int(math.ceil((g_x_max - ds_x_min) / res_x)), 0, width - 1) y1 = _clamp(int(math.floor((g_y_min - ds_y_min) / res_y)), 0, height - 1) y2 = _clamp(int(math.ceil((g_y_max - ds_y_min) / res_y)), 0, height - 1) if y_var[0] > y_var[-1]: # inverse ? _y1, _y2 = y1, y2 y1 = height - _y2 - 1 y2 = height - _y1 - 1 dataset_subset = dataset.isel( **{x_var_name: slice(x1, x2), y_var_name: slice(y1, y2)} ) if update_attrs: update_dataset_spatial_attrs( dataset_subset, update_existing=True, in_place=True ) _save_geometry_wkt(dataset_subset, intersection_geometry, save_geometry_wkt) return dataset_subset def _save_geometry_mask(dataset, mask, save_mask): if save_mask: var_name = save_mask if isinstance(save_mask, str) else "geometry_mask" dataset[var_name] = mask def _save_geometry_wkt(dataset, intersection_geometry, save_geometry): if save_geometry: attr_name = save_geometry if isinstance(save_geometry, str) else "geometry_wkt" dataset.attrs.update({attr_name: intersection_geometry.wkt}) def intersect_geometries( geometry1: GeometryLike, geometry2: GeometryLike ) -> Optional[shapely.geometry.base.BaseGeometry]: geometry1 = normalize_geometry(geometry1) if geometry1 is None: return None geometry2 = normalize_geometry(geometry2) if geometry2 is None: return geometry1 intersection_geometry = geometry1.intersection(geometry2) if not intersection_geometry.is_valid or intersection_geometry.is_empty: return None return intersection_geometry
[docs] def normalize_geometry( geometry: Optional[GeometryLike], ) -> Optional[shapely.geometry.base.BaseGeometry]: """Convert a geometry-like object into a shapely geometry object (``shapely.geometry.BaseGeometry``). A geometry-like object may be any shapely geometry object, * a dictionary that can be serialized to valid GeoJSON, * a WKT string, * a box given by a string of the form "<x1>,<y1>,<x2>,<y2>" or by a sequence of four numbers x1, y1, x2, y2, * a point by a string of the form "<x>,<y>" or by a sequence of two numbers x, y. Handling of geometries crossing the anti-meridian: * If box coordinates are given, it is allowed to pass x1, x2 where x1 > x2, which is interpreted as a box crossing the anti-meridian. In this case the function splits the box along the anti-meridian and returns a multi-polygon. * In all other cases, 2D geometries are assumed to _not cross the anti-meridian at all_. Args: geometry: A geometry-like object Returns: Shapely geometry object or None. """ if isinstance(geometry, shapely.geometry.base.BaseGeometry): return geometry if isinstance(geometry, dict): if GeoJSON.is_geometry(geometry): return shapely.geometry.shape(geometry) elif GeoJSON.is_feature(geometry): geometry = GeoJSON.get_feature_geometry(geometry) if geometry is not None: return shapely.geometry.shape(geometry) elif GeoJSON.is_feature_collection(geometry): features = GeoJSON.get_feature_collection_features(geometry) if features is not None: geometries = [ f2 for f2 in [GeoJSON.get_feature_geometry(f1) for f1 in features] if f2 is not None ] if geometries: geometry = dict(type="GeometryCollection", geometries=geometries) return shapely.geometry.shape(geometry) raise ValueError(_INVALID_GEOMETRY_MSG) if isinstance(geometry, str): return shapely.wkt.loads(geometry) if geometry is None: return None invalid_box_coords = False # noinspection PyBroadException try: x1, y1, x2, y2 = geometry is_point = x1 == x2 and y1 == y2 if is_point: return shapely.geometry.Point(x1, y1) invalid_box_coords = x1 == x2 or y1 >= y2 if not invalid_box_coords: return get_box_split_bounds_geometry(x1, y1, x2, y2) except Exception: # noinspection PyBroadException try: x, y = geometry return shapely.geometry.Point(x, y) except Exception: pass if invalid_box_coords: raise ValueError(_INVALID_BOX_COORDS_MSG) raise ValueError(_INVALID_GEOMETRY_MSG)
def is_lon_lat_dataset( dataset: Union[xr.Dataset, xr.DataArray], xy_var_names: tuple[str, str] = None ) -> bool: if xy_var_names is None: xy_var_names = get_dataset_xy_var_names(dataset, must_exist=True) x_var_name, y_var_name = xy_var_names if x_var_name == "lon" and y_var_name == "lat": return True x_var = dataset[x_var_name] y_var = dataset[y_var_name] return ( x_var.attrs.get("long_name") == "longitude" and y_var.attrs.get("long_name") == "latitude" ) def get_dataset_geometry( dataset: Union[xr.Dataset, xr.DataArray], xy_var_names: tuple[str, str] = None ) -> shapely.geometry.base.BaseGeometry: if xy_var_names is None: xy_var_names = get_dataset_xy_var_names(dataset, must_exist=True) geo_bounds = get_dataset_bounds(dataset, xy_var_names=xy_var_names) if is_lon_lat_dataset(dataset, xy_var_names=xy_var_names): return get_box_split_bounds_geometry(*geo_bounds) else: return*geo_bounds) def get_dataset_bounds( dataset: Union[xr.Dataset, xr.DataArray], xy_var_names: Optional[tuple[str, str]] = None, ) -> Bounds: if xy_var_names is None: xy_var_names = get_dataset_xy_var_names(dataset, must_exist=True) x_name, y_name = xy_var_names x_var, y_var = dataset.coords[x_name], dataset.coords[y_name] is_lon = xy_var_names[0] == "lon" # Note, x_min > x_max then we intersect with the anti-meridian x_bnds_name = get_dataset_bounds_var_name(dataset, x_name) if x_bnds_name is not None: x_bnds_var = dataset[x_bnds_name] x1 = x_bnds_var[0, 0] x2 = x_bnds_var[0, 1] x3 = x_bnds_var[-1, 0] x4 = x_bnds_var[-1, 1] x_min = min(x1, x2) x_max = max(x3, x4) else: x_min = x_var[0] x_max = x_var[-1] delta = (x_max - x_min + (0 if (x_max >= x_min or not is_lon) else 360)) / ( x_var.size - 1 ) x_min -= 0.5 * delta x_max += 0.5 * delta # Note, x-axis may be inverted y_bnds_name = get_dataset_bounds_var_name(dataset, y_name) if y_bnds_name is not None: y_bnds_var = dataset[y_bnds_name] y1 = y_bnds_var[0, 0] y2 = y_bnds_var[0, 1] y3 = y_bnds_var[-1, 0] y4 = y_bnds_var[-1, 1] y_min = min(y1, y2, y3, y4) y_max = max(y1, y2, y3, y4) else: y1 = y_var[0] y2 = y_var[-1] delta = abs(y2 - y1) / (y_var.size - 1) y_min = min(y1, y2) - 0.5 * delta y_max = max(y1, y2) + 0.5 * delta return float(x_min), float(y_min), float(x_max), float(y_max) def get_box_split_bounds( lon_min: float, lat_min: float, lon_max: float, lat_max: float ) -> SplitBounds: if lon_max >= lon_min: return ((lon_min, lat_min, lon_max, lat_max), None) else: return ((lon_min, lat_min, 180.0, lat_max), (-180.0, lat_min, lon_max, lat_max)) def get_box_split_bounds_geometry( lon_min: float, lat_min: float, lon_max: float, lat_max: float ) -> shapely.geometry.base.BaseGeometry: box_1, box_2 = get_box_split_bounds(lon_min, lat_min, lon_max, lat_max) if box_2 is not None: return shapely.geometry.MultiPolygon( polygons=[*box_1),*box_2)] ) else: return*box_1) def _clamp(x, x1, x2): if x < x1: return x1 if x > x2: return x2 return x