# Copyright (c) 2018-2024 by xcube team and contributors
# Permissions are hereby granted under the terms of the MIT License:
# https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT.
from typing import Dict, Union, Tuple, Any, Optional
from collections.abc import Mapping, Sequence, Hashable
import dask.array as da
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import xarray as xr
from xcube.core.verify import assert_cube
SeriesLike = Union[
np.ndarray, da.Array, xr.DataArray, pd.Series, Sequence[Union[int, float]]
PointsLike = Union[xr.Dataset, pd.DataFrame, Mapping[str, SeriesLike]]
def get_cube_values_for_points(
cube: xr.Dataset,
points: PointsLike,
var_names: Sequence[str] = None,
include_coords: bool = False,
include_bounds: bool = False,
include_indexes: bool = False,
index_name_pattern: str = DEFAULT_INDEX_NAME_PATTERN,
include_refs: bool = False,
ref_name_pattern: str = DEFAULT_REF_NAME_PATTERN,
cube_asserted: bool = False,
) -> xr.Dataset:
"""Extract values from *cube* variables at given
coordinates in *points*.
Returns a new dataset with values of variables from *cube* selected
by the coordinate columns
provided in *points*. All variables will be 1-D and have the same order
as the rows in points.
cube: The cube dataset.
points: Dictionary that maps dimension name to coordinate
var_names: An optional list of names of data variables in *cube*
whose values shall be extracted.
include_coords: Whether to include the cube coordinates for each
point in return value.
include_bounds: Whether to include the cube coordinate
boundaries (if any) for each point in return value.
include_indexes: Whether to include computed indexes into the
cube for each point in return value.
index_name_pattern: A naming pattern for the computed index
columns. Must include "{name}" which will be replaced by the
index' dimension name.
include_refs: Whether to include point (reference) values from
*points* in return value.
ref_name_pattern: A naming pattern for the computed point data
columns. Must include "{name}" which will be replaced by the
point's attribute name.
method: "nearest" or "linear".
cube_asserted: If False, *cube* will be verified, otherwise it
is expected to be a valid cube.
A new data frame whose columns are values from *cube* variables
at given *points*.
if not cube_asserted:
index_dtype = np.int64 if method == POINT_INTERP_METHOD_NEAREST else np.float64
point_indexes = get_cube_point_indexes(
cube_values = get_cube_values_for_indexes(
if include_indexes:
if include_refs:
point_refs = xr.Dataset(
ref_name_pattern.format(name=name): xr.DataArray(
points[name], dims=[INDEX_DIM_NAME]
for name in points.keys()
# The (coordinate) variable named INDEX_DIM_NAME should not exist,
# otherwise cube_values.to_dataframe() will use an empty string
# to name that series "" in the output DataFrame instance.
# This seems to be an issue of xarray 0.18.2+.
if INDEX_DIM_NAME in cube_values:
cube_values = cube_values.drop_vars(INDEX_DIM_NAME)
return cube_values
def get_cube_values_for_indexes(
cube: xr.Dataset,
indexes: Union[xr.Dataset, pd.DataFrame, Mapping[str, Any]],
include_coords: bool = False,
include_bounds: bool = False,
data_var_names: Sequence[str] = None,
index_name_pattern: str = DEFAULT_INDEX_NAME_PATTERN,
cube_asserted: bool = False,
) -> xr.Dataset:
"""Get values from the *cube* at given *indexes*.
cube: A cube dataset.
indexes: A mapping from column names to index and fraction
arrays for all cube dimensions.
include_coords: Whether to include the cube coordinates for each
point in return value.
include_bounds: Whether to include the cube coordinate
boundaries (if any) for each point in return value.
data_var_names: An optional list of names of data variables in
*cube* whose values shall be extracted.
index_name_pattern: A naming pattern for the computed indexes
columns. Must include "{name}" which will be replaced by the
dimension name.
method: "nearest" or "linear".
cube_asserted: If False, *cube* will be verified, otherwise it
is expected to be a valid cube.
A new data frame whose columns are values from *cube* variables
at given *indexes*.
if not cube_asserted:
raise ValueError(f"invalid method {method!r}")
raise NotImplementedError(f"method {method!r} not yet implemented")
all_data_var_names = tuple(cube.data_vars.keys())
if len(all_data_var_names) == 0:
raise ValueError("cube is empty")
if data_var_names is not None:
if len(data_var_names) == 0:
return _empty_dataset_from_points(indexes)
for var_name in data_var_names:
if var_name not in cube.data_vars:
raise ValueError(f"variable {var_name!r} not found in cube")
data_var_names = all_data_var_names
dim_names = cube[data_var_names[0]].dims
num_dims = len(dim_names)
index_names = [index_name_pattern.format(name=dim_name) for dim_name in dim_names]
indexes, num_points = _normalize_series(
indexes, index_names, force_dataset=True, param_name="indexes"
if num_points == 0:
return _empty_dataset_from_points(indexes)
cube = xr.Dataset(
{var_name: cube[var_name] for var_name in data_var_names}, coords=cube.coords
new_bounds_vars = {}
bounds_var_names = _get_coord_bounds_var_names(cube)
drop_coords = None
if bounds_var_names:
if include_bounds:
# Flatten any coordinate bounds variables
for var_name, bnds_var_name in bounds_var_names.items():
bnds_var = cube[bnds_var_name]
new_bounds_vars[f"{var_name}_lower"] = bnds_var[:, 0]
new_bounds_vars[f"{var_name}_upper"] = bnds_var[:, 1]
cube = cube.assign_coords(**new_bounds_vars)
cube = cube.drop_vars(bounds_var_names.values())
if not include_coords:
drop_coords = set(cube.coords).difference(new_bounds_vars.keys())
if not include_coords:
drop_coords = set(cube.coords)
# Generate a validation condition so we can
# filter out invalid rows (where any index == -1)
is_valid_point = None
for index_name in index_names:
col = indexes[index_name]
condition = col >= 0 if np.issubdtype(col.dtype, np.integer) else np.isnan(col)
if is_valid_point is None:
is_valid_point = condition
is_valid_point = np.logical_and(is_valid_point, condition)
num_valid_points = np.count_nonzero(is_valid_point)
if num_valid_points == num_points:
# All indexes valid
cube_selector = {dim_names[i]: indexes[index_names[i]] for i in range(num_dims)}
cube_values = cube.isel(cube_selector)
elif num_valid_points == 0:
# All indexes are invalid
new_bounds_vars = {}
for var_name in cube.variables:
new_bounds_vars[var_name] = _empty_points_var(cube[var_name], num_points)
cube_values = xr.Dataset(new_bounds_vars)
# Some invalid indexes
idx = np.arange(num_points)
good_idx = idx[is_valid_point.values]
idx_dim_name = indexes[index_names[0]].dims[0]
good_indexes = indexes.isel({idx_dim_name: good_idx})
cube_selector = {
dim_names[i]: good_indexes[index_names[i]] for i in range(num_dims)
cube_values = cube.isel(cube_selector)
new_bounds_vars = {}
for var_name in cube.variables:
var = cube_values[var_name]
new_var = _empty_points_var(var, num_points)
new_var[good_idx] = var
new_bounds_vars[var_name] = new_var
cube_values = xr.Dataset(new_bounds_vars)
if drop_coords:
cube_values = cube_values.drop_vars(drop_coords)
return cube_values
def get_cube_point_indexes(
cube: xr.Dataset,
points: PointsLike,
dim_name_mapping: Mapping[str, str] = None,
index_name_pattern: str = DEFAULT_INDEX_NAME_PATTERN,
cube_asserted: bool = False,
) -> xr.Dataset:
"""Get indexes of given point coordinates *points* into the given *dataset*.
cube: The cube dataset.
points: A mapping from column names to column data arrays, which
must all have the same length.
dim_name_mapping: A mapping from dimension names in *cube* to
column names in *points*.
index_name_pattern: A naming pattern for the computed indexes
columns. Must include "{name}" which will be replaced by the
dimension name.
index_dtype: Numpy data type for the indexes. If it is a
floating point type (default), then *indexes* will contain
fractions, which may be used for interpolation. For out-of-
range coordinates in *points*, indexes will be -1 if
*index_dtype* is an integer type, and NaN, if *index_dtype*
is a floating point types.
cube_asserted: If False, *cube* will be verified, otherwise it
is expected to be a valid cube.
A dataset containing the index columns.
if not cube_asserted:
dim_name_mapping = dim_name_mapping if dim_name_mapping is not None else {}
dim_names = _get_cube_data_var_dims(cube)
col_names = [
dim_name_mapping.get(str(dim_name), dim_name) for dim_name in dim_names
points, _ = _normalize_series(
points, col_names, force_dataset=False, param_name="points"
indexes = []
for dim_name, col_name in zip(dim_names, col_names):
col = points[col_name]
coord_indexes = get_dataset_indexes(
cube, str(dim_name), col, index_dtype=index_dtype
xr.DataArray(coord_indexes, dims=[INDEX_DIM_NAME]),
return xr.Dataset(dict(indexes))
def get_dataset_indexes(
dataset: xr.Dataset,
coord_var_name: str,
coord_values: SeriesLike,
) -> Union[xr.DataArray, np.ndarray]:
"""Compute the indexes and their fractions into a coordinate variable
*coord_var_name* of a *dataset* for the given coordinate values
The coordinate variable's labels must be monotonic increasing or
decreasing, otherwise the result will be nonsense.
For any value in *coord_values* that is out of the bounds of the
coordinate variable's values, the index depends on the value of
*index_dtype*. If *index_dtype* is an integer type, invalid indexes
are encoded as -1 while for floating point types, NaN will be used.
Returns a tuple of indexes as int64 array and fractions as
float64 array.
dataset: A cube dataset.
coord_var_name: Name of a coordinate variable.
coord_values: Array-like coordinate values.
index_dtype: Numpy data type for the indexes. If it is floating
point type (default), then *indexes* contain fractions,
which may be used for interpolation. If *dtype* is an
integer type out-of-range coordinates are indicated by index
-1, and NaN if it is is a floating point type.
The indexes and their fractions as a tuple of numpy int64 and
float64 arrays.
coord_var = dataset[coord_var_name]
n1 = coord_var.size
n2 = n1 + 1
coord_bounds_var = _get_bounds_var(dataset, coord_var_name)
if coord_bounds_var is not None:
coord_bounds = coord_bounds_var.values
if np.issubdtype(coord_bounds.dtype, np.datetime64):
coord_bounds = coord_bounds.astype(np.uint64)
is_inverse = (coord_bounds[0, 1] - coord_bounds[0, 0]) < 0
if is_inverse:
coord_bounds = coord_bounds[::-1, ::-1]
coords = np.zeros(n2, dtype=coord_bounds.dtype)
coords[0:-1] = coord_bounds[:, 0]
coords[-1] = coord_bounds[-1, 1]
elif coord_var.size > 1:
center_coords = coord_var.values
if np.issubdtype(center_coords.dtype, np.datetime64):
center_coords = center_coords.astype(np.uint64)
is_inverse = (center_coords[-1] - center_coords[0]) < 0
if is_inverse:
center_coords = center_coords[::-1]
deltas = np.zeros(n2, dtype=center_coords.dtype)
deltas[0:-2] = np.diff(center_coords)
deltas[-2] = deltas[-3]
deltas[-1] = deltas[-3]
coords = np.zeros(n2, dtype=center_coords.dtype)
coords[0:-1] = center_coords
coords[-1] = coords[-2] + deltas[-1]
if np.issubdtype(deltas.dtype, np.integer):
coords -= deltas // 2
coords -= 0.5 * deltas
raise ValueError(
f"cannot determine cell boundaries for"
f" coordinate variable {coord_var_name!r}"
f" of size {coord_var.size}"
if np.issubdtype(coord_values.dtype, np.datetime64):
coord_values = coord_values.astype(np.uint64)
except TypeError:
# Fixes https://github.com/dcs4cop/xcube/issues/95
coord_values = coord_values.values.astype(np.uint64)
indexes = np.linspace(0.0, n1, n2, dtype=np.float64)
interp_indexes = np.interp(coord_values, coords, indexes, left=-1, right=-1)
if is_inverse:
i = interp_indexes >= 0
interp_indexes[i] = n1 - interp_indexes[i]
interp_indexes[interp_indexes >= n1] = n1 - 1e-9
if np.issubdtype(index_dtype, np.integer):
interp_indexes = interp_indexes.astype(index_dtype)
interp_indexes[interp_indexes < 0] = np.nan
return interp_indexes
def _empty_points_var(var: xr.DataArray, num_points: int):
fill_value = 0 if np.issubdtype(var.dtype, np.integer) else np.nan
return xr.DataArray(
np.full(num_points, fill_value, dtype=var.dtype),
def _normalize_series(
points: PointsLike,
col_names: Sequence[str],
force_dataset: bool = False,
param_name: str = "points",
) -> tuple[PointsLike, int]:
if not isinstance(points, (xr.Dataset, pd.DataFrame)):
new_points = {}
for col_name in col_names:
if col_name in points:
col = points[col_name]
if not isinstance(col, xr.DataArray):
col = xr.DataArray(col)
new_points[col_name] = col
points = new_points
num_points = None
for col_name in col_names:
if col_name not in points:
raise ValueError(f"column {col_name!r} not found in {param_name}")
col = points[col_name]
if len(col.shape) != 1:
raise ValueError(
f"column {col_name!r} in {param_name} must be"
f" one-dimensional, but has shape {col.shape!r}"
if num_points is None:
num_points = len(col)
elif num_points != len(col):
raise ValueError(
f"column sizes in {param_name} must be all the"
f" same, but found {len(points[col_names[0]])}"
f" for column {col_names[0]!r} and {num_points}"
f" for column {col_name!r}"
if num_points is None:
raise ValueError(f"{param_name} has no valid columns")
if force_dataset:
if isinstance(points, pd.DataFrame):
points = xr.Dataset.from_dataframe(points)
elif not isinstance(points, xr.DataArray):
points = xr.Dataset(points)
return points, num_points
def _get_coord_bounds_var_names(dataset: xr.Dataset) -> dict[Hashable, Any]:
bnds_var_names = {}
for var_name in dataset.coords:
var = dataset[var_name]
bnds_var_name = var.attrs.get("bounds", f"{var_name}_bnds")
if bnds_var_name not in bnds_var_names and bnds_var_name in dataset:
bnds_var = dataset[bnds_var_name]
if bnds_var.shape == (var.shape[0], 2):
bnds_var_names[var_name] = bnds_var_name
return bnds_var_names
def _get_cube_data_var_dims(cube: xr.Dataset) -> tuple[Hashable, ...]:
for var in cube.data_vars.values():
return var.dims
raise ValueError("cube dataset is empty")
def _get_bounds_var(dataset: xr.Dataset, var_name: str) -> Optional[xr.DataArray]:
var = dataset[var_name]
if len(var.shape) == 1:
bounds_var_name = var.attrs.get("bounds", f"{var_name}_bnds")
if bounds_var_name in dataset:
bounds_var = dataset[bounds_var_name]
if bounds_var.dtype == var.dtype and bounds_var.shape == (var.size, 2):
return bounds_var
return None
def _empty_dataset_from_points(data: Any) -> xr.Dataset:
return xr.Dataset(coords=data.coords if hasattr(data, "coords") else None)