Source code for xcube.core.unchunk

# Copyright (c) 2018-2024 by xcube team and contributors
# Permissions are hereby granted under the terms of the MIT License:

import json
import os.path
from typing import List, Sequence

import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
import zarr

[docs] def unchunk_dataset( dataset_path: str, var_names: Sequence[str] = None, coords_only: bool = False ): """Unchunk dataset variables in-place. Args: dataset_path: Path to ZARR dataset directory. var_names: Optional list of variable names. coords_only: Un-chunk coordinate variables only. """ is_zarr = os.path.isfile(os.path.join(dataset_path, ".zgroup")) if not is_zarr: raise ValueError(f"{dataset_path!r} is not a valid Zarr directory") with xr.open_zarr(dataset_path) as dataset: if var_names is None: if coords_only: var_names = list(dataset.coords) else: var_names = list(dataset.variables) else: for var_name in var_names: if coords_only: if var_name not in dataset.coords: raise ValueError( f"variable {var_name!r} is not a coordinate variable in {dataset_path!r}" ) else: if var_name not in dataset.variables: raise ValueError( f"variable {var_name!r} is not a variable in {dataset_path!r}" ) _unchunk_vars(dataset_path, var_names)
def _unchunk_vars(dataset_path: str, var_names: List[str]): for var_name in var_names: var_path = os.path.join(dataset_path, var_name) # Optimization: if "shape" and "chunks" are equal in ${var}/.zarray, we are done var_array_info_path = os.path.join(var_path, ".zarray") with open(var_array_info_path, "r") as fp: var_array_info = json.load(fp) if var_array_info.get("shape") == var_array_info.get("chunks"): continue # Open array and remove chunks from the data var_array = zarr.convenience.open_array(var_path, "r+") if var_array.shape != var_array.chunks: # TODO (forman): Fully loading data is inefficient and dangerous for large arrays. # Instead save unchunked to temp and replace existing chunked array dir with temp. # Fully load data and attrs so we no longer depend on files data = np.array(var_array) attributes = var_array.attrs.asdict() # Save array data zarr.convenience.save_array( var_path, data, chunks=False, fill_value=var_array.fill_value ) # zarr.convenience.save_array() does not seem save user attributes (file ".zattrs" not written), # therefore we must modify attrs explicitly: var_array = zarr.convenience.open_array(var_path, "r+") var_array.attrs.update(attributes) zarr.consolidate_metadata(dataset_path)