Source code for

# Copyright (c) 2018-2024 by xcube team and contributors
# Permissions are hereby granted under the terms of the MIT License:

from abc import abstractmethod, ABC
from typing import Iterator, Tuple, Any, Optional, List, Type, Dict, Union, Container

from xcube.constants import EXTENSION_POINT_DATA_STORES
from xcube.util.extension import Extension
from xcube.util.extension import ExtensionPredicate
from xcube.util.extension import ExtensionRegistry
from xcube.util.jsonschema import JsonObjectSchema
from xcube.util.plugin import get_extension_registry
from .accessor import DataOpener
from .accessor import DataWriter
from .assertions import assert_valid_params
from .datatype import DataTypeLike
from .descriptor import DataDescriptor
from .error import DataStoreError
from .search import DataSearcher

# Data store instantiation and registry query

[docs] def new_data_store( data_store_id: str, extension_registry: Optional[ExtensionRegistry] = None, **data_store_params, ) -> Union["DataStore", "MutableDataStore"]: """Create a new data store instance for given *data_store_id* and *data_store_params*. Args: data_store_id: A data store identifier. extension_registry: Optional extension registry. If not given, the global extension registry will be used. **data_store_params: Data store specific parameters. Returns: A new data store instance """ data_store_class = get_data_store_class( data_store_id, extension_registry=extension_registry ) data_store_params_schema = data_store_class.get_data_store_params_schema() assert_valid_params( data_store_params, name="data_store_params", schema=data_store_params_schema ) # noinspection PyArgumentList return data_store_class(**data_store_params)
[docs] def get_data_store_class( data_store_id: str, extension_registry: Optional[ExtensionRegistry] = None ) -> Union[Type["DataStore"], Type["MutableDataStore"]]: """Get the class for the data store identified by *data_store_id*. Args: data_store_id: A data store identifier. extension_registry: Optional extension registry. If not given, the global extension registry will be used. Returns: The class for the data store. """ extension_registry = extension_registry or get_extension_registry() if not extension_registry.has_extension(EXTENSION_POINT_DATA_STORES, data_store_id): raise DataStoreError( f'Unknown data store "{data_store_id}"' f" (may be due to missing xcube plugin)" ) return extension_registry.get_component(EXTENSION_POINT_DATA_STORES, data_store_id)
[docs] def get_data_store_params_schema( data_store_id: str, extension_registry: Optional[ExtensionRegistry] = None ) -> JsonObjectSchema: """Get the JSON schema for instantiating a new data store identified by *data_store_id*. Args: data_store_id: A data store identifier. extension_registry: Optional extension registry. If not given, the global extension registry will be used. Returns: The JSON schema for the data store's parameters. """ data_store_class = get_data_store_class( data_store_id, extension_registry=extension_registry ) return data_store_class.get_data_store_params_schema()
[docs] def find_data_store_extensions( predicate: ExtensionPredicate = None, extension_registry: Optional[ExtensionRegistry] = None, ) -> List[Extension]: """Find data store extensions using the optional filter function *predicate*. Args: predicate: An optional filter function. extension_registry: Optional extension registry. If not given, the global extension registry will be used. Returns: List of data store extensions. """ extension_registry = extension_registry or get_extension_registry() return extension_registry.find_extensions( EXTENSION_POINT_DATA_STORES, predicate=predicate )
####################################################### # Classes #######################################################
[docs] class DataStore(DataOpener, DataSearcher, ABC): """A data store represents a collection of data resources that can be enumerated, queried, and opened in order to obtain in-memory representations of the data. The same data resource may be made available using different data types. Therefore, many methods allow specifying a *data_type* parameter. A store implementation may use any existing openers/writers, or define its own, or not use any openers/writers at all. Store implementers should follow the conventions outlined in . The :class:`DataStore` is an abstract base class that both read-only and mutable data stores must implement. """
[docs] @classmethod def get_data_store_params_schema(cls) -> JsonObjectSchema: """Get descriptions of parameters that must or can be used to instantiate a new DataStore object. Parameters are named and described by the properties of the returned JSON object schema. The default implementation returns JSON object schema that can have any properties. """ return JsonObjectSchema()
[docs] @classmethod @abstractmethod def get_data_types(cls) -> Tuple[str, ...]: """Get alias names for all data types supported by this store. The first entry in the tuple represents this store's default data type. Returns: The tuple of supported data types. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_data_types_for_data(self, data_id: str) -> Tuple[str, ...]: """Get alias names for of data types that are supported by this store for the given *data_id*. Args: data_id: An identifier of data that is provided by this store Returns: A tuple of data types that apply to the given *data_id*. Raises: DataStoreError: If an error occurs. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_data_ids( self, data_type: DataTypeLike = None, include_attrs: Container[str] = None ) -> Union[Iterator[str], Iterator[Tuple[str, Dict[str, Any]]]]: """Get an iterator over the data resource identifiers for the given type *data_type*. If *data_type* is omitted, all data resource identifiers are returned. If a store implementation supports only a single data type, it should verify that *data_type* is either None or compatible with the supported data type. If *include_attrs* is provided, it must be a sequence of names of metadata attributes. The store will then return extra metadata for each returned data resource identifier according to the names of the metadata attributes as tuples (*data_id*, *attrs*). Hence, the type of the returned iterator items depends on the value of *include_attrs*: - If *include_attrs* is None (the default), the method returns an iterator of dataset identifiers *data_id* of type `str`. - If *include_attrs* is a sequence of attribute names, even an empty one, the method returns an iterator of tuples (*data_id*, *attrs*) of type `Tuple[str, Dict]`, where *attrs* is a dictionary filled according to the names in *include_attrs*. If a store cannot provide a given attribute, it should simply ignore it. This may even yield to an empty dictionary for a given *data_id*. The individual attributes do not have to exist in the dataset's metadata, they may also be generated on-the-fly. An example for a generic attribute name is "title". A store should try to resolve ``include_attrs=["title"]`` by returning items such as ``("ESACCI-L4_GHRSST-SSTdepth-OSTIA-GLOB_CDR2.1-v02.0-fv01.0.zarr", {"title": "Level-4 GHRSST Analysed Sea Surface Temperature"})``. Args: data_type: If given, only data identifiers that are available as this type are returned. If this is omitted, all available data identifiers are returned. include_attrs: A sequence of names of attributes to be returned for each dataset identifier. If given, the store will attempt to provide the set of requested dataset attributes in addition to the data ids. (added in xcube 0.8.0) Returns: An iterator over the identifiers and titles of data resources provided by this data store. Raises: DataStoreError: If an error occurs. """
[docs] def list_data_ids( self, data_type: DataTypeLike = None, include_attrs: Container[str] = None ) -> Union[List[str], List[Tuple[str, Dict[str, Any]]]]: """Convenience version of `get_data_ids()` that returns a list rather than an iterator. Args: data_type: If given, only data identifiers that are available as this type are returned. If this is omitted, all available data identifiers are returned. include_attrs: A sequence of names of attributes to be returned for each dataset identifier. If given, the store will attempt to provide the set of requested dataset attributes in addition to the data ids. (added in xcube 0.8.0) Returns: A list comprising the identifiers and titles of data resources provided by this data store. Raises: DataStoreError: If an error occurs. """ return list(self.get_data_ids(data_type=data_type, include_attrs=include_attrs))
[docs] @abstractmethod def has_data(self, data_id: str, data_type: DataTypeLike = None) -> bool: """Check if the data resource given by *data_id* is available in this store. Args: data_id: A data identifier data_type: An optional data type. If given, it will also be checked whether the data is available as the specified type. May be given as type alias name, as a type, or as a :class:`DataType` instance. Returns: True, if the data resource is available in this store, False otherwise. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def describe_data( self, data_id: str, data_type: DataTypeLike = None ) -> DataDescriptor: """Get the descriptor for the data resource given by *data_id*. Raises a :class:`DataStoreError` if *data_id* does not exist in this store or the data is not available as the specified *data_type*. Args: data_id: An identifier of data provided by this store data_type: If given, the descriptor of the data will describe the data as specified by the data type. May be given as type alias name, as a type, or as a :class:`DataType` instance. Returns: a data-type specific data descriptor Raises: DataStoreError: If an error occurs. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_data_opener_ids( self, data_id: str = None, data_type: DataTypeLike = None ) -> Tuple[str, ...]: """Get identifiers of data openers that can be used to open data resources from this store. If *data_id* is given, data accessors are restricted to the ones that can open the identified data resource. Raises if *data_id* does not exist in this store. If *data_type* is given, only openers that are compatible with this data type are returned. If a store implementation supports only a single data type, it should verify that *data_type* is either None or equal to that single data type. Args: data_id: An optional data resource identifier that is known to exist in this data store. data_type: An optional data type that is known to be supported by this data store. May be given as type alias name, as a type, or as a :class:`DataType` instance. Returns: A tuple of identifiers of data openers that can be used to open data resources. Raises: DataStoreError: If an error occurs. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_open_data_params_schema( self, data_id: str = None, opener_id: str = None ) -> JsonObjectSchema: """Get the schema for the parameters passed as *open_params* to :meth:`open_data`. If *data_id* is given, the returned schema will be tailored to the constraints implied by the identified data resource. Some openers might not support this, therefore *data_id* is optional, and if it is omitted, the returned schema will be less restrictive. If given, the method raises if *data_id* does not exist in this store. If *opener_id* is given, the returned schema will be tailored to the constraints implied by the identified opener. Some openers might not support this, therefore *opener_id* is optional, and if it is omitted, the returned schema will be less restrictive. For maximum compatibility of stores, it is strongly encouraged to apply the following conventions on parameter names, types, and their interpretation. Let P be the value of an optional, data constraining open parameter, then it should be interpreted as follows: * _if P is None_ means, parameter not given, hence no constraint applies, hence no additional restrictions on requested data. * _if not P_ means, we exclude data that would be included by default. * _else_, the given constraint applies. Given here are names, types, and descriptions of common, constraining open parameters for gridded datasets. Note, whether any of these is optional or mandatory depends on the individual data store. A store may also define other open parameters or support only a subset of the following. Note all parameters may be optional, the Python-types given here refer to _given_, non-Null parameters: * ``variable_names: List[str]``: Included data variables. Available coordinate variables will be auto-included for any dimension of the data variables. * ``bbox: Tuple[float, float, float, float]``: Spatial coverage as xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax. * ``crs: str``: Spatial CRS, e.g. "EPSG:4326" or OGC CRS URI. * ``spatial_res: float``: Spatial resolution in coordinates of the spatial CRS. * ``time_range: Tuple[Optional[str], Optional[str]]``: Time range interval in UTC date/time units using ISO format. Start or end time may be missing which means everything until available start or end time. * ``time_period: str`: Pandas-compatible period/frequency string, e.g. "8D", "2W". E.g. applied to an optional `variable_names` parameter, this means * `variable_names is None` - include all data variables * `variable_names == []` - do not include data variables (schema only) * `variable_names == ["<var_1>", "<var_2>", ...]` only include data variables named "<var_1>", "<var_2>", ... Args: data_id: An optional data identifier that is known to exist in this data store. opener_id: An optional data opener identifier. Returns: The schema for the parameters in *open_params*. Raises: DataStoreError: If an error occurs. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def open_data(self, data_id: str, opener_id: str = None, **open_params) -> Any: """Open the data given by the data resource identifier *data_id* using the supplied *open_params*. The data type of the return value depends on the data opener used to open the data resource. If *opener_id* is given, the identified data opener will be used to open the data resource and *open_params* must comply with the schema of the opener's parameters. Note that some store implementations may not support using different openers or just support a single one. Raises if *data_id* does not exist in this store. Args: data_id: The data identifier that is known to exist in this data store. opener_id: An optional data opener identifier. **open_params: Opener-specific parameters. Returns: An in-memory representation of the data resources identified by *data_id* and *open_params*. Raises: DataStoreError: If an error occurs. """
[docs] class MutableDataStore(DataStore, DataWriter, ABC): """A mutable data store is a data store that also allows for adding, updating, and removing data resources. MutableDataStore is an abstract base class that any mutable data store must implement. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_data_writer_ids(self, data_type: DataTypeLike = None) -> Tuple[str, ...]: """Get identifiers of data writers that can be used to write data resources to this store. If *data_type* is given, only writers that support this data type are returned. If a store implementation supports only a single data type, it should verify that *data_type* is either None or equal to that single data type. Args: data_type: An optional data type specifier that is known to be supported by this data store. May be given as type alias name, as a type, or as a :class:`DataType` instance. Returns: A tuple of identifiers of data writers that can be used to write data resources. Raises: DataStoreError: If an error occurs. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_write_data_params_schema(self, writer_id: str = None) -> JsonObjectSchema: """Get the schema for the parameters passed as *write_params* to :meth:`write_data`. If *writer_id* is given, the returned schema will be tailored to the constraints implied by the identified writer. Some writers might not support this, therefore *writer_id* is optional, and if it is omitted, the returned schema will be less restrictive. Given here is a pseudo-code implementation for stores that support multiple writers and where the store has common parameters with the writer: store_params_schema = self.get_data_store_params_schema() writer_params_schema = get_writer(writer_id).get_write_data_params_schema() return subtract_param_schemas(writer_params_schema, store_params_schema) Args: writer_id: An optional data writer identifier. Returns: The schema for the parameters in *write_params*. Raises: DataStoreError: If an error occurs. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def write_data( self, data: Any, data_id: str = None, writer_id: str = None, replace: bool = False, **write_params, ) -> str: """Write a data in-memory instance using the supplied *data_id* and *write_params*. If data identifier *data_id* is not given, a writer-specific default will be generated, used, and returned. If *writer_id* is given, the identified data writer will be used to write the data resource and *write_params* must comply with the schema of writers's parameters. Note that some store implementations may not support using different writers or just support a single one. Given here is a pseudo-code implementation for stores that support multiple writers: writer_id = writer_id or self.gen_data_id() path = self.resolve_data_id_to_path(data_id) write_params = add_params(self.get_data_store_params(), write_params) get_writer(writer_id).write_data(data, path, **write_params) self.register_data(data_id, data) Raises if *data_id* does not exist in this store. Args: data: The data in-memory instance to be written. data_id: An optional data identifier that is known to be unique in this data store. writer_id: An optional data writer identifier. replace: Whether to replace an existing data resource. **write_params: Writer-specific parameters. Returns: The data identifier used to write the data. Raises: DataStoreError: If an error occurs. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def delete_data(self, data_id: str, **delete_params): """Delete the data resource identified by *data_id*. Typically, an implementation would delete the data resource from the physical storage and also remove any registered metadata from an associated database. Raises if *data_id* does not exist in this store. Args: data_id: An data identifier that is known to exist in this data store. Raises: DataStoreError: If an error occurs. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def register_data(self, data_id: str, data: Any): """Register the in-memory representation of a data resource *data* using the given data resource identifier *data_id*. This method can be used to register data resources that are already physically stored in the data store, but are not yet searchable or otherwise accessible by the given *data_id*. Typically, an implementation would extract metadata from *data* and store it in a store-specific database. An implementation should just store the metadata of *data*. It should not write *data*. Args: data_id: A data resource identifier that is known to be unique in this data store. data: An in-memory representation of a data resource. Raises: DataStoreError: If an error occurs. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def deregister_data(self, data_id: str): """De-register a data resource identified by *data_id* from this data store. This method can be used to de-register data resources so it will be no longer searchable or otherwise accessible by the given *data_id*. Typically, an implementation would extract metadata from *data* and store it in a store-specific database. An implementation should only remove a data resource's metadata. It should not delete *data* from its physical storage space. Raises if *data_id* does not exist in this store. Args: data_id: A data resource identifier that is known to exist in this data store. Raises: DataStoreError: If an error occurs. """