Source code for xcube.core.resampling.affine

# Copyright (c) 2018-2024 by xcube team and contributors
# Permissions are hereby granted under the terms of the MIT License:

import math
from typing import Union, Callable, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Mapping, Hashable, Any

import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
from dask import array as da
from dask_image import ndinterp

from xcube.core.gridmapping import GridMapping
from xcube.core.gridmapping.helpers import AffineTransformMatrix
from xcube.util.assertions import assert_true
from .cf import maybe_encode_grid_mapping

NDImage = Union[np.ndarray, da.Array]
Aggregator = Callable[[NDImage], NDImage]

[docs] def affine_transform_dataset( dataset: xr.Dataset, source_gm: GridMapping, target_gm: GridMapping, var_configs: Mapping[Hashable, Mapping[str, Any]] = None, encode_cf: bool = True, gm_name: Optional[str] = None, reuse_coords: bool = False, ) -> xr.Dataset: """Resample dataset according to an affine transformation. The affine transformation will be applied only if the CRS of *source_gm* and the CRS of *target_gm* are both geographic or equal. Otherwise, a ``ValueError`` will be raised. Args: dataset: The source dataset source_gm: Source grid mapping of *dataset*. Must be regular. Must have same CRS as *target_gm*. target_gm: Target grid mapping. Must be regular. Must have same CRS as *source_gm*. var_configs: Optional resampling configurations for individual variables. encode_cf: Whether to encode the target grid mapping into the resampled dataset in a CF-compliant way. Defaults to ``True``. gm_name: Name for the grid mapping variable. Defaults to "crs". Used only if *encode_cf* is ``True``. reuse_coords: Whether to either reuse target coordinate arrays from target_gm or to compute new ones. Returns: The resampled target dataset. """ # Are source and target both geographic grid mappings? both_geographic = and if not (both_geographic or == raise ValueError( f"CRS of source_gm and target_gm must be equal," f' was "{}"' f' and "{}"' ) GridMapping.assert_regular(source_gm, name="source_gm") GridMapping.assert_regular(target_gm, name="target_gm") resampled_dataset = resample_dataset( dataset=dataset, matrix=target_gm.ij_transform_to(source_gm), size=target_gm.size, tile_size=target_gm.tile_size, xy_dim_names=source_gm.xy_dim_names, var_configs=var_configs, ) has_bounds = any( dataset[var_name].attrs.get("bounds") for var_name in source_gm.xy_var_names ) new_coords = target_gm.to_coords( xy_var_names=source_gm.xy_var_names, xy_dim_names=source_gm.xy_dim_names, exclude_bounds=not has_bounds, reuse_coords=reuse_coords, ) return maybe_encode_grid_mapping( encode_cf, resampled_dataset.assign_coords(new_coords), target_gm, gm_name )
def resample_dataset( dataset: xr.Dataset, matrix: AffineTransformMatrix, size: Tuple[int, int], tile_size: Tuple[int, int], xy_dim_names: Tuple[str, str], var_configs: Mapping[Hashable, Mapping[str, Any]] = None, ) -> xr.Dataset: """Resample dataset according to an affine transformation. Args: dataset: The source dataset matrix: Affine transformation matrix. size: Target image size. tile_size: Target image tile size. xy_dim_names: Names of the spatial dimensions. var_configs: Optional resampling configurations for individual variables. Returns: The resampled target dataset. """ ((i_scale, _, i_off), (_, j_scale, j_off)) = matrix width, height = size tile_width, tile_height = tile_size x_dim, y_dim = xy_dim_names yx_dims = (y_dim, x_dim) coords = dict() var_configs = var_configs or {} data_vars = dict() for k, var in dataset.variables.items(): new_var = None if var.ndim >= 2 and var.dims[-2:] == yx_dims: var_config = var_configs.get(k, dict()) if np.issubdtype(var.dtype, np.integer) or np.issubdtype(var.dtype, bool): spline_order = 0 aggregator = None recover_nan = False else: spline_order = 1 aggregator = np.nanmean recover_nan = True var_data = resample_ndimage(, scale=(j_scale, i_scale), offset=(j_off, i_off), shape=(height, width), chunks=(tile_height, tile_width), spline_order=var_config.get("spline_order", spline_order), aggregator=var_config.get("aggregator", aggregator), recover_nan=var_config.get("recover_nan", recover_nan), ) new_var = xr.DataArray(var_data, dims=var.dims, attrs=var.attrs) elif x_dim not in var.dims and y_dim not in var.dims: new_var = var.copy() if new_var is not None: if k in dataset.coords: coords[k] = new_var elif k in dataset.data_vars: data_vars[k] = new_var return xr.Dataset(data_vars=data_vars, coords=coords, attrs=dataset.attrs)
[docs] def resample_ndimage( image: NDImage, scale: Union[float, Tuple[float, float]] = 1, offset: Union[float, Tuple[float, float]] = None, shape: Union[int, Tuple[int, int]] = None, chunks: Sequence[int] = None, spline_order: int = 1, aggregator: Optional[Aggregator] = np.nanmean, recover_nan: bool = False, ) -> da.Array: image = da.asarray(image) offset = _normalize_offset(offset, image.ndim) scale = _normalize_scale(scale, image.ndim) if shape is None: shape = resize_shape(image.shape, scale) else: shape = _normalize_shape(shape, image) chunks = _normalize_chunks(chunks, shape) scale_y, scale_x = scale[-2], scale[-1] divisor_x = math.ceil(abs(scale_x)) divisor_y = math.ceil(abs(scale_y)) if (divisor_x >= 2 or divisor_y >= 2) and aggregator is not None: # Downsampling # ------------ axes = {image.ndim - 2: divisor_y, image.ndim - 1: divisor_x} elongation = _normalize_scale( (scale_y / divisor_y, scale_x / divisor_x), image.ndim ) larger_shape = resize_shape( shape, (divisor_y, divisor_x), divisor_x=divisor_x, divisor_y=divisor_y ) # print('Downsampling: ', scale) # print(' divisor:', (divisor_y, divisor_x)) # print(' elongation:', elongation) # print(' shape:', shape) # print(' larger_shape:', larger_shape) divisible_chunks = _make_divisible_tiles(larger_shape, divisor_x, divisor_y) image = _transform_array( image, elongation, offset, larger_shape, divisible_chunks, spline_order, recover_nan, ) image = da.coarsen(aggregator, image, axes) if shape != image.shape: image = image[..., 0 : shape[-2], 0 : shape[-1]] if chunks is not None: image = image.rechunk(chunks) else: # Upsampling # ---------- # print('Upsampling: ', scale) image = _transform_array( image, scale, offset, shape, chunks, spline_order, recover_nan ) return image
def _transform_array( image: da.Array, scale: Tuple[float, ...], offset: Tuple[float, ...], shape: Tuple[int, ...], chunks: Optional[Tuple[int, ...]], spline_order: int, recover_nan: bool, ) -> da.Array: """Apply affine transformation to ND-image. Args: image: ND-image with shape (..., size_y, size_x) scale: Scaling factors (1, ..., 1, sy, sx) offset: Offset values (0, ..., 0, oy, ox) shape: (..., size_y, size_x) chunks: (..., chunk_size_y, chunk_size_x) spline_order: 0 ... 5 recover_nan: True/False Returns: Transformed ND-image. """ assert_true(len(scale) == image.ndim, "invalid scale") assert_true(len(offset) == image.ndim, "invalid offset") assert_true(len(shape) == image.ndim, "invalid shape") assert_true(chunks is None or len(chunks) == image.ndim, "invalid chunks") if _is_no_op(image, scale, offset, shape): return image # As of scipy 0.18, matrix = scale is no longer supported. # Therefore we use the diagonal matrix form here, # where scale is the diagonal. matrix = np.diag(scale) at_kwargs = dict( offset=offset, order=spline_order, output_shape=shape, output_chunks=chunks, mode="constant", ) if recover_nan and spline_order > 0: # We can "recover" values that are neighbours to NaN values # that would otherwise become NaN too. mask = da.isnan(image) # First check if there are NaN values ar all if da.any(mask): # Yes, then # 1. replace NaN by zero filled_im = da.where(mask, 0.0, image) # 2. transform the zeo-filled image scaled_im = ndinterp.affine_transform( filled_im, matrix, **at_kwargs, cval=0.0 ) # 3. transform the inverted mask scaled_norm = ndinterp.affine_transform( 1.0 - mask, matrix, **at_kwargs, cval=0.0 ) # 4. put back NaN where there was zero, # otherwise decode using scaled mask return da.where( da.isclose(scaled_norm, 0.0), np.nan, scaled_im / scaled_norm ) # No dealing with NaN required return ndinterp.affine_transform(image, matrix, **at_kwargs, cval=np.nan) def resize_shape( shape: Sequence[int], scale: Union[float, Tuple[float, ...]], divisor_x: int = 1, divisor_y: int = 1, ) -> Tuple[int, ...]: scale = _normalize_scale(scale, len(shape)) height, width = shape[-2], shape[-1] scale_y, scale_x = scale[-2], scale[-1] wf = width * abs(scale_x) hf = height * abs(scale_y) w = divisor_x * math.ceil(wf / divisor_x) h = divisor_y * math.ceil(hf / divisor_y) return tuple(shape[0:-2]) + (h, w) def _make_divisible_tiles( larger_shape: Tuple[int, ...], divisor_x: int, divisor_y: int ) -> Tuple[int, ...]: w = min(larger_shape[-1], divisor_x * ((2048 + divisor_x - 1) // divisor_x)) h = min(larger_shape[-2], divisor_y * ((2048 + divisor_y - 1) // divisor_y)) return (len(larger_shape) - 2) * (1,) + (h, w) def _normalize_image(im: NDImage) -> da.Array: return da.asarray(im) def _normalize_offset(offset: Optional[Sequence[float]], ndim: int) -> Tuple[int, ...]: return _normalize_pair(offset, 0.0, ndim, "offset") def _normalize_scale(scale: Optional[Sequence[float]], ndim: int) -> Tuple[int, ...]: return _normalize_pair(scale, 1.0, ndim, "scale") def _normalize_pair( pair: Optional[Sequence[float]], default: float, ndim: int, name: str ) -> Tuple[int, ...]: if pair is None: pair = [default, default] elif isinstance(pair, (int, float)): pair = [pair, pair] elif len(pair) != 2: raise ValueError(f"illegal image {name}") return (ndim - 2) * (default,) + tuple(pair) def _normalize_shape(shape: Optional[Sequence[int]], im: NDImage) -> Tuple[int, ...]: if shape is None: return im.shape if len(shape) != 2: raise ValueError("illegal image shape") return im.shape[0:-2] + tuple(shape) def _normalize_chunks( chunks: Optional[Sequence[int]], shape: Tuple[int, ...] ) -> Optional[Tuple[int, ...]]: if chunks is None: return None if len(chunks) < 2 or len(chunks) > len(shape): raise ValueError("illegal image chunks") return (len(shape) - len(chunks)) * (1,) + tuple(chunks) def _is_no_op( im: NDImage, scale: Sequence[float], offset: Sequence[float], shape: Tuple[int, ...] ): return ( shape == im.shape and all(math.isclose(s, 1) for s in scale) and all(math.isclose(o, 0) for o in offset) )