Source code for xcube.util.dask

import itertools
import os
import re
import uuid
import warnings
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Iterable, List, Mapping, Optional, \
    Sequence, Tuple, Union

import dask.array as da
import dask.array.core as dac
import distributed
import numpy as np

IntTuple = Tuple[int, ...]
SliceTuple = Tuple[slice, ...]
IntIterable = Iterable[int]
IntTupleIterable = Iterable[IntTuple]
SliceTupleIterable = Iterable[SliceTuple]


def compute_array_from_func(func: Callable[..., np.ndarray],
                            shape: IntTuple,
                            chunks: IntTuple,
                            dtype: Any,
                            name: str = None,
                            ctx_arg_names: Sequence[str] = None,
                            args: Sequence[Any] = None,
                            kwargs: Mapping[str, Any] = None) -> da.Array:
    Compute a dask array using the provided user function *func*, *shape*, and chunking *chunks*.

    The user function is expected to output the array's data blocks using arguments specified by
    *ctx_arg_names*, *args*, and *kwargs* and is expected to return a numpy array.

    You can request array and current block context information by specifying the optional
    *ctx_arg_names* keyword argument that is a sequence of names of special arguments passed to *user_func*.
    The following are available:

    * ``shape``: The array's shape. A tuple of ints.
    * ``chunks``: The array's chunks. A tuple of tuple of ints.
    * ``dtype``: The array's numpy data type.
    * ``name``: The array's name. A string or ``None``.
    * ``block_id``: The block's unique ID. An integer number ranging from zero to number of blocks minus one.
    * ``block_index``: The block's index as a tuple of ints.
    * ``block_shape``: The block's shape as a tuple of ints.
    * ``block_slices``: The block's shape as a tuple of int pair tuples.

    :param func: User function that is called for each block of the array using arguments specified by
        *ctx_arg_names*, *args*, and *kwargs*. It must return a numpy array of shape "block_shape" and type
    :param shape: The array's shape. A tuple of sizes for each array dimension.
    :param chunks: The array's chunking. A tuple of chunk sizes for each array dimension.
        Must be of same length as *shape*.
    :param dtype: The array's numpy data type.
    :param name: The array's name.
    :param ctx_arg_names: Sequence names of arguments that are passed
        before *args* and *kwargs* to the user function.
    :param args: Arguments passed to the user function.
    :param kwargs: Keyword-arguments passed to the user function.
    :return: A chunked dask array.
    ctx_arg_names = ctx_arg_names or []
    args = args or []
    kwargs = kwargs or {}

    chunk_sizes = tuple(get_chunk_sizes(shape, chunks))
    chunk_counts = tuple(get_chunk_counts(shape, chunks))
    block_indexes, block_shapes, block_slices = get_block_iterators(chunk_sizes)

    ctx_values = dict(

    blocks = _NestedList(shape=chunk_counts)
    block_id = 0
    for chunk_index, chunk_shape, block_slices in zip(block_indexes, block_shapes, block_slices):
            block_slices=tuple((chunk_slice.start, chunk_slice.stop) for chunk_slice in block_slices),
        ctx_args = [ctx_values[ctx_arg_name] for ctx_arg_name in ctx_arg_names]
        block_id += 1

        # We use our own name here, because dac.from_func() tokenizes args which for some reason takes forever
        block = dac.from_func(func,
                              args=(*ctx_args, *args),

        blocks[chunk_index] = block

    return da.block(

def get_block_iterators(chunk_sizes: IntTupleIterable) -> \
        Tuple[IntTupleIterable, IntTupleIterable, SliceTupleIterable]:
    chunk_sizes = tuple(chunk_sizes)
    chunk_slices_tuples = get_chunk_slice_tuples(chunk_sizes)
    chunk_ranges = get_chunk_ranges(chunk_sizes)
    block_indexes = itertools.product(*chunk_ranges)
    block_shapes = itertools.product(*chunk_sizes)
    block_slices = itertools.product(*chunk_slices_tuples)
    return block_indexes, block_shapes, block_slices

def get_chunk_sizes(shape: IntTuple, chunks: IntTuple) -> IntTupleIterable:
    for s, c in zip(shape, chunks):
        n = s // c
        if n * c < s:
            yield (c,) * n + (s % c,)
            yield (c,) * n

def get_chunk_counts(shape: IntTuple, chunks: IntTuple) -> Iterable[int]:
    for s, c in zip(shape, chunks):
        yield (s + c - 1) // c

def get_chunk_ranges(chunk_size_tuples: IntTupleIterable) -> Iterable[range]:
    return (range(len(chunk_size_tuple)) for chunk_size_tuple in chunk_size_tuples)

def get_chunk_slice_tuples(chunk_size_tuples: IntTupleIterable) -> SliceTupleIterable:
    return (tuple(get_chunk_slices(chunk_size_tuple)) for chunk_size_tuple in chunk_size_tuples)

def get_chunk_slices(chunk_sizes: Sequence[int]) -> Iterable[slice]:
    stop = 0
    for i in range(len(chunk_sizes)):
        start = stop
        stop = start + chunk_sizes[i]
        yield slice(start, stop)

[docs]def new_cluster( provider: str = 'coiled', name: Optional[str] = None, software: Optional[str] = None, n_workers: int = 4, resource_tags: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, account: str = None, **kwargs, ) -> distributed.deploy.Cluster: """Create a new Dask cluster. Cloud resource tags can be specified in an environment variable XCUBE_DASK_CLUSTER_TAGS in the format ``tag_1=value_1:tag_2=value_2:...:tag_n=value_n``. In case of conflicts, tags specified in ``resource_tags`` will override tags specified by the environment variable. The cluster provider account name can be specified in an environment variable ``XCUBE_DASK_CLUSTER_ACCOUNT``. If the ``account`` argument is given to ``new_cluster``, it will override the value from the environment variable. :param provider: identifier of the provider to use. Currently, only 'coiled' is supported. :param name: name to use as an identifier for the cluster :param software: identifier for the software environment to be used. :param n_workers: number of workers in the cluster :param resource_tags: tags to apply to the cloud resources forming the cluster :param account: cluster provider account name :param **kwargs: further named arguments will be passed on to the cluster creation function """ if resource_tags is None: resource_tags = {} if _CLUSTER_ACCOUNT_ENV_VAR_NAME in os.environ: account_from_env_var = os.environ[_CLUSTER_ACCOUNT_ENV_VAR_NAME] else: account_from_env_var = None warnings.warn(f'Environment variable {_CLUSTER_ACCOUNT_ENV_VAR_NAME}' f' not set; cluster account name may be incorrect.') cluster_account = ( account if account is not None else account_from_env_var if account_from_env_var is not None else 'bc' ) if provider == 'coiled': try: import coiled except ImportError as e: raise ImportError(f"provider 'coiled' requires package" f"'coiled' to be installed") from e if software is None and 'JUPYTER_IMAGE' in os.environ: # If the JUPYTER_IMAGE environment variable is set, we're # presumably in a Z2JH deployment and can base a # Coiled environment on the same image. # First we construct an identifier from the user image specifier. current_image = os.environ['JUPYTER_IMAGE'] software = re.sub( '[:.]', '-','/([^/]+)$', current_image).group(1), ) # If the referenced software environment doesn't exist yet as a # Coiled environment, create it from the currently used image. available_environments = \ coiled.list_software_environments(account=account).keys() if software not in available_environments: coiled.create_software_environment( name=software, container=current_image ) # If software is (still) None, Coiled will try to mirror the current # environment automagically. coiled_params = dict( n_workers=n_workers, environ=None, tags=_collate_cluster_resource_tags(resource_tags), account=cluster_account, name=name, software=software, use_best_zone=True, compute_purchase_option='spot_with_fallback' ) coiled_params.update(kwargs) return coiled.Cluster(**coiled_params) raise NotImplementedError(f'Unknown provider {provider!r}')
def _collate_cluster_resource_tags(extra_tags: Dict[str, str]) \ -> Dict[str, str]: fallback_tags = { 'cost-center': 'unknown', 'environment': 'dev', 'creator': 'auto', 'purpose': 'xcube dask cluster', 'user': (os.environ.get('JUPYTERHUB_USER') # JupyterHub or os.environ.get('USER') # Unixes or os.environ.get('USERNAME') # Windows or os.getlogin() or '') } if _CLUSTER_TAGS_ENV_VAR_NAME in os.environ: kvps = os.environ[_CLUSTER_TAGS_ENV_VAR_NAME].split(':') env_var_tags = { (parts := kvp.split('=', maxsplit=1))[0]: parts[1] for kvp in kvps } else: warnings.warn(f'Environment variable {_CLUSTER_TAGS_ENV_VAR_NAME}' f' not set; cluster resource tags may be missing.') env_var_tags = {} return fallback_tags | env_var_tags | extra_tags class _NestedList: """ Utility class whose instances are used as input to dask.block(). """ def __init__(self, shape: Sequence[int], fill_value: Any = None): self._shape = tuple(shape) self._data = self._new_data(shape, len(shape), fill_value, 0) @classmethod def _new_data(cls, shape: Sequence[int], ndim: int, fill_value: Any, dim: int) -> Union[List[List], List[Any]]: return [cls._new_data(shape, ndim, fill_value, dim + 1) if dim < ndim - 1 else fill_value for _ in range(shape[dim])] @property def shape(self) -> Tuple[int, ...]: return self._shape @property def data(self) -> Union[List[List], List[Any]]: return self._data def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self._data) def __setitem__(self, index: Union[int, slice, tuple], value: Any): data = self._data if isinstance(index, tuple): n = len(index) for i in range(n - 1): data = data[index[i]] data[index[n - 1]] = value else: data[index] = value def __getitem__(self, index: Union[int, slice, tuple]) -> Any: data = self._data if isinstance(index, tuple): n = len(index) for i in range(n - 1): data = data[index[i]] return data[index[n - 1]] else: return data[index]