Python API

Cube I/O

Cube generation'Test Cube', width=360, height=180, x_name='lon', y_name='lat', x_dtype='float64', y_dtype=None, x_units='degrees_east', y_units='degrees_north', x_res=1.0, y_res=None, x_start=- 180.0, y_start=- 90.0, inverse_y=False, time_name='time', time_dtype='datetime64[s]', time_units='seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00', time_calendar='proleptic_gregorian', time_periods=5, time_freq='D', time_start='2010-01-01T00:00:00', use_cftime=False, drop_bounds=False, variables=None, crs=None, crs_name=None)[source]

Create a new empty cube. Useful for creating cubes templates with predefined coordinate variables and metadata. The function is also heavily used by xcube’s unit tests.

The values of the variables dictionary can be either constants, array-like objects, or functions that compute their return value from passed coordinate indexes. The expected signature is::

def my_func(time: int, y: int, x: int) -> Union[bool, int, float]
  • title (str) – A title. Defaults to ‘Test Cube’.

  • width (int) – Horizontal number of grid cells. Defaults to 360.

  • height (int) – Vertical number of grid cells. Defaults to 180.

  • x_name (str) – Name of the x coordinate variable. Defaults to ‘lon’.

  • y_name (str) – Name of the y coordinate variable. Defaults to ‘lat’.

  • x_dtype (str) – Data type of x coordinates. Defaults to ‘float64’.

  • y_dtype – Data type of y coordinates. Defaults to ‘float64’.

  • x_units (str) – Units of the x coordinates. Defaults to ‘degrees_east’.

  • y_units (str) – Units of the y coordinates. Defaults to ‘degrees_north’.

  • x_start (float) – Minimum x value. Defaults to -180.

  • y_start (float) – Minimum y value. Defaults to -90.

  • x_res (float) – Spatial resolution in x-direction. Defaults to 1.0.

  • y_res – Spatial resolution in y-direction. Defaults to 1.0.

  • inverse_y (bool) – Whether to create an inverse y axis. Defaults to False.

  • time_name (str) – Name of the time coordinate variable. Defaults to ‘time’.

  • time_periods (int) – Number of time steps. Defaults to 5.

  • time_freq (str) – Duration of each time step. Defaults to `1D’.

  • time_start (str) – First time value. Defaults to ‘2010-01-01T00:00:00’.

  • time_dtype (str) – Numpy data type for time coordinates. Defaults to ‘datetime64[s]’. If used, parameter ‘use_cftime’ must be False.

  • time_units (str) – Units for time coordinates. Defaults to ‘seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00’.

  • time_calendar (str) – Calender for time coordinates. Defaults to ‘proleptic_gregorian’.

  • use_cftime (bool) – If True, the time will be given as data types according to the ‘cftime’ package. If used, the time_calendar parameter must be also be given with an appropriate value such as ‘gregorian’ or ‘julian’. If used, parameter ‘time_dtype’ must be None.

  • drop_bounds (bool) – If True, coordinate bounds variables are not created. Defaults to False.

  • variables – Dictionary of data variables to be added. None by default.

  • crs – pyproj-compatible CRS string or instance of pyproj.CRS or None

  • crs_name – Name of the variable that will hold the CRS information. Ignored, if crs is not given.


A cube instance

Cube computation

Cube data extraction

Cube manipulation

xcube.core.unchunk.unchunk_dataset(dataset_path: str, var_names: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, coords_only: bool = False)[source]

Unchunk dataset variables in-place.

  • dataset_path (str) – Path to ZARR dataset directory.

  • var_names – Optional list of variable names.

  • coords_only (bool) – Un-chunk coordinate variables only.

xcube.core.optimize.optimize_dataset(input_path: str, output_path: Optional[str] = None, in_place: bool = False, unchunk_coords: Union[bool, str, Sequence[str]] = False, exception_type: Type[Exception] = <class 'ValueError'>)[source]

Optimize a dataset for faster access.

Reduces the number of metadata and coordinate data files in xcube dataset given by given by dataset_path. Consolidated cubes open much faster from remote locations, e.g. in object storage, because obviously much less HTTP requests are required to fetch initial cube meta information. That is, it merges all metadata files into a single top-level JSON file “.zmetadata”.

If unchunk_coords is given, it also removes any chunking of coordinate variables so they comprise a single binary data file instead of one file per data chunk. The primary usage of this function is to optimize data cubes for cloud object storage. The function currently works only for data cubes using Zarr format. unchunk_coords can be a name, or list of names of the coordinate variable(s) to be consolidated. If boolean True is used, coordinate all variables will be consolidated.

  • input_path (str) – Path to input dataset with ZARR format.

  • output_path (str) – Path to output dataset with ZARR format. May contain “{input}” template string, which is replaced by the input path’s file name without file name extension.

  • in_place (bool) – Whether to modify the dataset in place. If False, a copy is made and output_path must be given.

  • unchunk_coords – The name of a coordinate variable or a list of coordinate variables whose chunks should be consolidated. Pass True to consolidate chunks of all coordinate variables.

  • exception_type – Type of exception to be used on value errors.

Cube subsetting

Cube masking

class xcube.core.maskset.MaskSet(flag_var: xarray.DataArray)[source]

A set of mask variables derived from a variable flag_var with the following CF attributes:

  • One or both of flag_masks and flag_values

  • flag_meanings (always required)

See for details on the use of these attributes.

Each mask is represented by an xarray.DataArray, has the name of the flag, is of type numpy.unit8, and has the dimensions of the given flag_var.


flag_var – an xarray.DataArray that defines flag values. The CF attributes flag_meanings and one or both of flag_masks and flag_values are expected to exist and be valid.

classmethod get_mask_sets(dataset: xarray.Dataset) Dict[str, xcube.core.maskset.MaskSet][source]

For each “flag” variable in given dataset, turn it into a MaskSet, store it in a dictionary.


dataset – The dataset


A mapping of flag names to MaskSet. Will be empty if there

are no flag variables in dataset.

Rasterisation of Features

Cube metadata

Cube verification

Multi-resolution pyramids


Plugin Development

class xcube.util.extension.ExtensionRegistry[source]

A registry of extensions. Typically used by plugins to register extensions.

has_extension(point: str, name: str) bool[source]

Test if an extension with given point and name is registered.

Return type


  • point (str) – extension point identifier

  • name (str) – extension name


True, if extension exists

get_extension(point: str, name: str) Optional[xcube.util.extension.Extension][source]

Get registered extension for given point and name.

  • point (str) – extension point identifier

  • name (str) – extension name


the extension or None, if no such exists

get_component(point: str, name: str) Any[source]

Get extension component for given point and name. Raises a ValueError if no such extension exists.

  • point (str) – extension point identifier

  • name (str) – extension name


extension component

find_extensions(point: str, predicate: Optional[Callable[[xcube.util.extension.Extension], bool]] = None) List[xcube.util.extension.Extension][source]

Find extensions for point and optional filter function predicate.

The filter function is called with an extension and should return a truth value to indicate a match or mismatch.

  • point (str) – extension point identifier

  • predicate – optional filter function


list of matching extensions

find_components(point: str, predicate: Optional[Callable[[xcube.util.extension.Extension], bool]] = None) List[Any][source]

Find extension components for point and optional filter function predicate.

The filter function is called with an extension and should return a truth value to indicate a match or mismatch.

  • point (str) – extension point identifier

  • predicate – optional filter function


list of matching extension components

add_extension(point: str, name: str, component: Optional[Any] = None, loader: Optional[Callable[[xcube.util.extension.Extension], Any]] = None, **metadata) xcube.util.extension.Extension[source]

Register an extension component or an extension component loader for the given extension point, name, and additional metadata.

Either component or loader must be specified, but not both.

A given loader must be a callable with one positional argument extension of type Extension and is expected to return the actual extension component, which may be of any type. The loader will only be called once and only when the actual extension component is requested for the first time. Consider using the function import_component() to create a loader that lazily imports a component from a module and optionally executes it.

Return type


  • point (str) – extension point identifier

  • name (str) – extension name

  • component – extension component

  • loader – extension component loader function

  • metadata – extension metadata


a registered extension

remove_extension(point: str, name: str)[source]

Remove registered extension name from given point.

  • point (str) – extension point identifier

  • name (str) – extension name


Get a JSON-serializable dictionary representation of this extension registry.

class xcube.util.extension.Extension(point: str, name: str, component: Optional[Any] = None, loader: Optional[Callable[[xcube.util.extension.Extension], Any]] = None, **metadata)[source]

An extension that provides a component of any type.

Extensions are registered in a ExtensionRegistry.

Extension objects are not meant to be instantiated directly. Instead, ExtensionRegistry.add_extension() is used to register extensions.

  • point – extension point identifier

  • name – extension name

  • component – extension component

  • loader – extension component loader function

  • metadata – extension metadata

property is_lazy: bool

Whether this is a lazy extension that uses a loader.

property component: Any

Extension component.

property point: str

Extension point identifier.

property name: str

Extension name.

property metadata: Dict[str, Any]

Extension metadata.

to_dict() Dict[str, Any][source]

Get a JSON-serializable dictionary representation of this extension.

xcube.util.extension.import_component(spec: str, transform: Optional[Callable[[Any, xcube.util.extension.Extension], Any]] = None, call: bool = False, call_args: Optional[Sequence[Any]] = None, call_kwargs: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None) Callable[[xcube.util.extension.Extension], Any][source]

Return a component loader that imports a module or module component from spec. To import a module, spec should be the fully qualified module name. To import a component, spec must also append the component name to the fully qualified module name separated by a color (“:”) character.

An optional transform callable my be used to transform the imported component. If given, a new component is computed:

component = transform(component, extension)

If the call flag is set, the component is expected to be a callable which will be called using the given call_args and call_kwargs to produce a new component:

component = component(*call_kwargs, **call_kwargs)

Finally, the component is returned.

  • spec (str) – String of the form “module_path” or “module_path:component_name”

  • transform – callable that takes two positional arguments, the imported component and the extension of type Extension

  • call (bool) – Whether to finally call the component with given call_args and call_kwargs

  • call_args – arguments passed to a callable component if call flag is set

  • call_kwargs – keyword arguments passed to callable component if call flag is set


a component loader

xcube.constants.EXTENSION_POINT_INPUT_PROCESSORS = 'xcube.core.gen.iproc'

The extension point identifier for input processor extensions

xcube.constants.EXTENSION_POINT_DATASET_IOS = 'xcube.core.dsio'

The extension point identifier for dataset I/O extensions

xcube.constants.EXTENSION_POINT_CLI_COMMANDS = 'xcube.cli'

The extension point identifier for CLI command extensions

xcube.util.plugin.get_extension_registry() xcube.util.extension.ExtensionRegistry[source]

Get populated extension registry.

xcube.util.plugin.get_plugins() Dict[str, Dict][source]

Get mapping of “xcube_plugins” entry point names to JSON-serializable plugin meta-information.