Source code for

from typing import Collection, Optional, Tuple, Union

import pandas as pd
import xarray as xr

from xcube.core.geocoding import GeoCoding
from xcube.util.assertions import assert_given

Bbox = Tuple[float, float, float, float]
TimeRange = Union[Tuple[Optional[str], Optional[str]],
                  Tuple[Optional[pd.Timestamp], Optional[pd.Timestamp]]]

def select_subset(dataset: xr.Dataset,
                  var_names: Collection[str] = None,
                  bbox: Bbox = None,
                  time_range: TimeRange = None):
    Create a subset from *dataset* given *var_names*, *bbox*, *time_range*.

    This is a high-level convenience function that may invoke

    * :func:select_variables_subset
    * :func:select_spatial_subset
    * :func:select_temporal_subset

    :param dataset: The dataset.
    :param var_names: Optional variable names.
    :param bbox: Optional bounding box in the dataset's CRS coordinate units.
    :param time_range: Optional time range
    :return: a subset of *dataset*, or unchanged *dataset* if no keyword-arguments are used.
    if var_names is not None:
        dataset = select_variables_subset(dataset, var_names=var_names)
    if bbox is not None:
        dataset = select_spatial_subset(dataset, xy_bbox=bbox)
    if time_range is not None:
        dataset = select_temporal_subset(dataset, time_range=time_range)
    return dataset

[docs]def select_variables_subset(dataset: xr.Dataset, var_names: Collection[str] = None) -> xr.Dataset: """ Select data variable from given *dataset* and create new dataset. :param dataset: The dataset from which to select variables. :param var_names: The names of data variables to select. :return: A new dataset. It is empty, if *var_names* is empty. It is *dataset*, if *var_names* is None. """ if var_names is None: return dataset dropped_variables = set(dataset.data_vars.keys()).difference(var_names) if not dropped_variables: return dataset return dataset.drop_vars(dropped_variables)
def select_spatial_subset(dataset: xr.Dataset, ij_bbox: Tuple[int, int, int, int] = None, ij_border: int = 0, xy_bbox: Tuple[float, float, float, float] = None, xy_border: float = 0., geo_coding: GeoCoding = None, xy_names: Tuple[str, str] = None) -> Optional[xr.Dataset]: """ Select a spatial subset of *dataset* for the bounding box *ij_bbox* or *xy_bbox*. *ij_bbox* or *xy_bbox* must not be given both. :param xy_bbox: Bounding box in coordinates of the dataset's CRS. :param xy_border: Extra border added to *xy_bbox*. :param dataset: Source dataset. :param ij_bbox: Bounding box (i_min, i_min, j_max, j_max) in pixel coordinates. :param ij_border: Extra border added to *ij_bbox* :param geo_coding: Optional dataset geo-coding. :param xy_names: Optional tuple of the x- and y-coordinate variables in *dataset*. Ignored if *geo_coding* is given. :return: Spatial dataset subset """ if ij_bbox is None and xy_bbox is None: raise ValueError('One of ij_bbox and xy_bbox must be given') if ij_bbox and xy_bbox: raise ValueError('Only one of ij_bbox and xy_bbox can be given') geo_coding = geo_coding if geo_coding is not None else GeoCoding.from_dataset(dataset, xy_names=xy_names) if xy_bbox: ij_bbox = geo_coding.ij_bbox(xy_bbox, ij_border=ij_border, xy_border=xy_border) if ij_bbox[0] == -1: return None width, height = geo_coding.size i_min, j_min, i_max, j_max = ij_bbox if i_min > 0 or j_min > 0 or i_max < width - 1 or j_max < height - 1: x_dim, y_dim = geo_coding.dims i_slice = slice(i_min, i_max + 1) j_slice = slice(j_min, j_max + 1) return dataset.isel({x_dim: i_slice, y_dim: j_slice}) return dataset def select_temporal_subset(dataset: xr.Dataset, time_range: TimeRange, time_name: str = 'time') -> xr.Dataset: """ Select a temporal subset from *dataset* given *time_range*. :param dataset: The dataset. Must include time :param time_range: Time range given as two time stamps (start, end) that may be (ISO) strings or datetime objects. :param time_name: optional name of the time coordinate variable. Defaults to "time". :return: """ assert_given(time_range, 'time_range') time_1, time_2 = time_range time_1 = pd.to_datetime(time_1) if time_1 is not None else None time_2 = pd.to_datetime(time_2) if time_2 is not None else None if time_1 is None and time_2 is None: return dataset if time_2 is not None: time_2: pd.Timestamp delta = time_2 - time_2.floor('1D') if delta == pd.Timedelta('0 days 00:00:00'): time_2 += pd.Timedelta('1D') return dataset.sel({time_name or 'time': slice(time_1, time_2)})