Source code for xcube.core.schema

# The MIT License (MIT)
# Copyright (c) 2020 by the xcube development team and contributors
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
# this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in
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from typing import Tuple, Sequence, Dict, Optional, Mapping, Union, Hashable

import numpy as np
import xarray as xr

from xcube.core.gridmapping import GridMapping

[docs] class CubeSchema: """A schema that can be used to create new xcube datasets. The given *shape*, *dims*, and *chunks*, *coords* apply to all data variables. Args: shape: A tuple of dimension sizes. coords: A dictionary of coordinate variables. Must have values for all *dims*. dims: A sequence of dimension names. Defaults to ``('time', 'lat', 'lon')``. chunks: A tuple of chunk sizes in each dimension. """ def __init__( self, shape: Sequence[int], coords: Mapping[str, xr.DataArray], x_name: str = "lon", y_name: str = "lat", time_name: str = "time", dims: Sequence[str] = None, chunks: Sequence[int] = None, ): if not shape: raise ValueError("shape must be a sequence of integer sizes") if not coords: raise ValueError( "coords must be a mapping from dimension names to label arrays" ) if not x_name: raise ValueError("x_name must be given") if not y_name: raise ValueError("y_name must be given") if not time_name: raise ValueError("time_name must be given") ndim = len(shape) if ndim < 3: raise ValueError("shape must have at least three dimensions") dims = tuple(dims) or (time_name, y_name, x_name) if dims and len(dims) != ndim: raise ValueError("dims must have same length as shape") if x_name not in coords or y_name not in coords or time_name not in coords: raise ValueError( f"missing variables {x_name!r}, {y_name!r}, {time_name!r} in coords" ) x_var, y_var, time_var = ( coords.get(x_name), coords.get(y_name), coords.get(time_name), ) if x_var.ndim != 1 or y_var.ndim != 1 or time_var.ndim != 1: raise ValueError( f"variables {x_name!r}, {y_name!r}, {time_name!r} in coords must be 1-D" ) x_dim, y_dim, time_dim = x_var.dims[0], y_var.dims[0], time_var.dims[0] if dims[0] != time_dim: raise ValueError(f"the first dimension in dims must be {time_dim!r}") if dims[-2:] != (y_dim, x_dim): raise ValueError( f"the last two dimensions in dims must be {y_dim!r} and {x_dim!r}" ) if chunks and len(chunks) != ndim: raise ValueError("chunks must have same length as shape") for i in range(ndim): dim_name = dims[i] dim_size = shape[i] if dim_name not in coords: raise ValueError(f"missing dimension {dim_name!r} in coords") dim_labels = coords[dim_name] if len(dim_labels.shape) != 1: raise ValueError( f"labels of {dim_name!r} in coords must be one-dimensional" ) if len(dim_labels) != dim_size: raise ValueError( f"number of labels of {dim_name!r} in coords does not match shape" ) self._shape = tuple(shape) self._x_name = x_name self._y_name = y_name self._time_name = time_name self._dims = dims self._chunks = tuple(chunks) if chunks else None self._coords = dict(coords) @property def ndim(self) -> int: """Number of dimensions.""" return len(self._dims) @property def dims(self) -> Tuple[str, ...]: """Tuple of dimension names.""" return self._dims @property def x_name(self) -> str: """Name of the spatial x coordinate variable.""" return self._x_name @property def y_name(self) -> str: """Name of the spatial y coordinate variable.""" return self._y_name @property def time_name(self) -> str: """Name of the time coordinate variable.""" return self._time_name @property def x_var(self) -> xr.DataArray: """Spatial x coordinate variable.""" return self._coords[self._x_name] @property def y_var(self) -> xr.DataArray: """Spatial y coordinate variable.""" return self._coords[self._y_name] @property def time_var(self) -> xr.DataArray: """Time coordinate variable.""" return self._coords[self._time_name] @property def x_dim(self) -> str: """Name of the spatial x dimension.""" return self._dims[-1] @property def y_dim(self) -> str: """Name of the spatial y dimension.""" return self._dims[-2] @property def time_dim(self) -> str: """Name of the time dimension.""" return self._dims[0] @property def x_size(self) -> int: """Size of the spatial x dimension.""" return self._shape[-1] @property def y_size(self) -> int: """Size of the spatial y dimension.""" return self._shape[-2] @property def time_size(self) -> int: """Size of the time dimension.""" return self._shape[0] @property def shape(self) -> Tuple[int, ...]: """Tuple of dimension sizes.""" return self._shape @property def chunks(self) -> Optional[Tuple[int]]: """Tuple of dimension chunk sizes.""" return self._chunks @property def coords(self) -> Dict[str, xr.DataArray]: """Dictionary of coordinate variables.""" return self._coords
[docs] @classmethod def new(cls, cube: xr.Dataset) -> "CubeSchema": """Create a cube schema from given *cube*.""" return get_cube_schema(cube)
def _repr_html_(self): """Return a HTML representation for Jupyter Notebooks.""" return ( f"<table>" f"<tr><td>Shape:</td><td>{self.shape}</td></tr>" f"<tr><td>Chunk sizes:</td><td>{self.chunks}</td></tr>" f"<tr><td>Dimensions:</td><td>{self.dims}</td></tr>" f"</table>" )
# TODO (forman): code duplication with xcube.core.verify._check_data_variables(), line 76 def get_cube_schema(cube: xr.Dataset) -> CubeSchema: """Derive cube schema from given *cube*. Args: cube: The data cube. Returns: The cube schema. """ xy_var_names = get_dataset_xy_var_names( cube, must_exist=True, dataset_arg_name="cube" ) time_var_name = get_dataset_time_var_name( cube, must_exist=True, dataset_arg_name="cube" ) first_dims = None first_shape = None first_chunks = None first_coords = None for var_name, var in cube.data_vars.items(): dims = var.dims if first_dims is None: first_dims = dims elif first_dims != dims: raise ValueError( f"all variables must have same dimensions, but variable {var_name!r} " f"has dimensions {dims!r}" ) shape = var.shape if first_shape is None: first_shape = shape elif first_shape != shape: raise ValueError( f"all variables must have same shape, but variable {var_name!r} " f"has shape {shape!r}" ) coords = var.coords if first_coords is None: first_coords = coords dask_chunks = var.chunks if dask_chunks: chunks = [] for i in range(var.ndim): dim_name = var.dims[i] dim_chunk_sizes = dask_chunks[i] first_size = dim_chunk_sizes[0] if any(size != first_size for size in dim_chunk_sizes[1:-1]): raise ValueError( f"dimension {dim_name!r} of variable {var_name!r} has chunks of different sizes: " f"{dim_chunk_sizes!r}" ) chunks.append(first_size) chunks = tuple(chunks) if first_chunks is None: first_chunks = chunks elif first_chunks != chunks: raise ValueError( f"all variables must have same chunks, but variable {var_name!r} " f"has chunks {chunks!r}" ) if first_dims is None: raise ValueError("cube is empty") return CubeSchema( first_shape, first_coords, x_name=xy_var_names[0], y_name=xy_var_names[1], time_name=time_var_name, dims=tuple(str(d) for d in first_dims), chunks=first_chunks, ) def get_dataset_xy_var_names( coords: Union[xr.Dataset, xr.DataArray, Mapping[Hashable, xr.DataArray]], must_exist: bool = False, dataset_arg_name: str = "dataset", ) -> Optional[Tuple[str, str]]: if hasattr(coords, "coords"): coords = coords.coords x_var_name = None y_var_name = None for var_name, var in coords.items(): if ( var.attrs.get("standard_name") == "projection_x_coordinate" or var.attrs.get("long_name") == "x coordinate of projection" ): if var.ndim == 1: x_var_name = var_name if ( var.attrs.get("standard_name") == "projection_y_coordinate" or var.attrs.get("long_name") == "y coordinate of projection" ): if var.ndim == 1: y_var_name = var_name if x_var_name and y_var_name: return str(x_var_name), str(y_var_name) x_var_name = None y_var_name = None for var_name, var in coords.items(): if var.attrs.get("long_name") == "longitude": if var.ndim == 1: x_var_name = var_name if var.attrs.get("long_name") == "latitude": if var.ndim == 1: y_var_name = var_name if x_var_name and y_var_name: return str(x_var_name), str(y_var_name) for x_var_name, y_var_name in ( ("lon", "lat"), ("longitude", "latitude"), ("x", "y"), ): if x_var_name in coords and y_var_name in coords: x_var = coords[x_var_name] y_var = coords[y_var_name] if x_var.ndim == 1 and y_var.ndim == 1: return x_var_name, y_var_name if must_exist: raise ValueError( f"{dataset_arg_name}" f" has no valid spatial coordinate variables" ) def get_dataset_time_var_name( dataset: Union[xr.Dataset, xr.DataArray], must_exist: bool = False, dataset_arg_name: str = "dataset", ) -> Optional[str]: time_var_name = "time" if time_var_name in dataset.coords: time_var = dataset.coords[time_var_name] if time_var.ndim == 1 and np.issubdtype(time_var.dtype, np.datetime64): return time_var_name if must_exist: raise ValueError(f"{dataset_arg_name} has no valid time coordinate variable") return None def get_dataset_bounds_var_name( dataset: Union[xr.Dataset, xr.DataArray], var_name: str, must_exist: bool = False, dataset_arg_name: str = "dataset", ) -> Optional[str]: if var_name in dataset.coords: var = dataset[var_name] bounds_var_name = var.attrs.get("bounds", f"{var_name}_bnds") if bounds_var_name in dataset: bounds_var = dataset[bounds_var_name] if ( bounds_var.ndim == 2 and bounds_var.shape[0] == var.shape[0] and bounds_var.shape[1] == 2 ): return bounds_var_name if must_exist: raise ValueError( f"{dataset_arg_name} has no valid bounds variable for variable {var_name!r}" ) return None def get_dataset_chunks(dataset: xr.Dataset) -> Dict[Hashable, int]: """Get the most common chunk sizes for each chunked dimension of *dataset*. Note: Only data variables are considered. Args: dataset: A dataset. Returns: A dictionary that maps dimension names to common chunk sizes. """ # Record the frequencies of chunk sizes for # each dimension d in each data variable var dim_size_counts: Dict[Hashable, Dict[int, int]] = {} for var_name, var in dataset.data_vars.items(): if var.chunks: for d, c in zip(var.dims, var.chunks): # compute max chunk size max_c from # e.g. c = (512, 512, 512, 193) max_c = max(0, *c) # for dimension d, save the frequencies # of the different max_c if d not in dim_size_counts: size_counts = {max_c: 1} dim_size_counts[d] = size_counts else: size_counts = dim_size_counts[d] if max_c not in size_counts: size_counts[max_c] = 1 else: size_counts[max_c] += 1 # For each dimension d, determine the most frequently # seen chunk size max_c dim_sizes: Dict[Hashable, int] = {} for d, size_counts in dim_size_counts.items(): max_count = 0 best_max_c = 0 for max_c, count in size_counts.items(): if count > max_count: # Should always come here, because count=1 is minimum max_count = count best_max_c = max_c assert best_max_c > 0 dim_sizes[d] = best_max_c return dim_sizes def rechunk_cube( cube: xr.Dataset, gm: GridMapping, chunks: Optional[Dict[str, int]] = None, tile_size: Optional[Tuple[int, int]] = None, ) -> Tuple[xr.Dataset, GridMapping]: """Re-chunk data variables of *cube* so they all share the same chunk sizes for their dimensions. This functions rechunks *cube* for maximum compatibility with the Zarr format. Therefore it removes the "chunks" encoding from all variables. Args: cube: A data cube gm: The cube's grid mapping chunks: Optional mapping of dimension names to chunk sizes tile_size: Optional tile sizes, i.e. chunk size of spatial dimensions, given as (width, height) Returns: A potentially rechunked *cube* and adjusted grid mapping. """ # get initial, common cube chunk sizes from given cube cube_chunks = get_dataset_chunks(cube) # Given chunks will overwrite initial values if chunks: for dim_name, size in chunks.items(): cube_chunks[dim_name] = size # Given tile size will overwrite spatial dims x_dim_name, y_dim_name = gm.xy_dim_names if tile_size is not None: cube_chunks[x_dim_name] = tile_size[0] cube_chunks[y_dim_name] = tile_size[1] # Given grid mapping's tile size will overwrite # spatial dims only if missing still if gm.tile_size is not None: if x_dim_name not in cube_chunks: cube_chunks[x_dim_name] = gm.tile_size[0] if y_dim_name not in cube_chunks: cube_chunks[y_dim_name] = gm.tile_size[1] # If there is no chunking required, return identities if not cube_chunks: return cube, gm chunked_cube = xr.Dataset(attrs=cube.attrs) # Coordinate variables are always # chunked automatically chunked_cube = chunked_cube.assign_coords( coords={ var_name: var.chunk({dim_name: "auto" for dim_name in var.dims}) for var_name, var in cube.coords.items() } ) # Data variables are chunked according to cube_chunks, # or if not specified, by the dimension size. chunked_cube = chunked_cube.assign( variables={ var_name: var.chunk( { dim_name: cube_chunks.get(dim_name, cube.dims[dim_name]) for dim_name in var.dims } ) for var_name, var in cube.data_vars.items() } ) # Update chunks encoding for Zarr for var_name, var in chunked_cube.variables.items(): if "chunks" in var.encoding: del var.encoding["chunks"] # if var.chunks is not None: # # sizes[0] is the first of # # e.g. sizes = (512, 512, 71) # var.encoding.update(chunks=[ # sizes[0] for sizes in var.chunks # ]) # elif 'chunks' in var.encoding: # del var.encoding['chunks'] # print(f"--> {var_name}: encoding={var.encoding.get('chunks')!r}, chunks={var.chunks!r}") # Test whether tile size has changed after re-chunking. # If so, we will change the grid mapping too. tile_width = cube_chunks.get(x_dim_name) tile_height = cube_chunks.get(y_dim_name) assert tile_width is not None assert tile_height is not None tile_size = (tile_width, tile_height) if tile_size != gm.tile_size: # Note, changing grid mapping tile size may # rechunk (2D) coordinates in chunked_cube too gm = gm.derive(tile_size=tile_size) return chunked_cube, gm