Source code for xcube.core.resampling.spatial

# Copyright (c) 2018-2024 by xcube team and contributors
# Permissions are hereby granted under the terms of the MIT License:

from typing import Union, Callable, Any, Optional
from import Mapping, Hashable

import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
from dask import array as da

from xcube.core.gridmapping import GridMapping
from xcube.core.gridmapping.helpers import scale_xy_res_and_size
from .affine import affine_transform_dataset
from .affine import resample_dataset
from .rectify import rectify_dataset

NDImage = Union[np.ndarray, da.Array]
Aggregator = Callable[[NDImage], NDImage]

# If _SCALE_LIMIT is exceeded, we don't need
# to downscale source image before we can
# rectify it.

[docs] def resample_in_space( dataset: xr.Dataset, source_gm: GridMapping = None, target_gm: GridMapping = None, var_configs: Mapping[Hashable, Mapping[str, Any]] = None, encode_cf: bool = True, gm_name: Optional[str] = None, rectify_kwargs: Optional[dict] = None, ): """ Resample a dataset in the spatial dimensions. If the source grid mapping *source_gm* is not given, it is derived from *dataset*: ``source_gm = GridMapping.from_dataset(dataset)``. If the target grid mapping *target_gm* is not given, it is derived from *source_gm*: ``target_gm = source_gm.to_regular()``. If *source_gm* is almost equal to *target_gm*, this function is a no-op and *dataset* is returned unchanged. Otherwise, the function computes a spatially resampled version of *dataset* and returns it. Using *var_configs*, the resampling of individual variables can be configured. If given, *var_configs* must be a mapping from variable names to configuration dictionaries which can have the following properties: * ``spline_order`` (int) - The order of spline polynomials used for interpolating. It is used for upsampling only. Possible values are 0 to 5. Default is 1 (bi-linear) for floating point variables, and 0 (= nearest neighbor) for integer and bool variables. * ``aggregator`` (str) - An optional aggregating function. It is used for downsampling only. Examples are numpy.nanmean, numpy.nanmin, numpy.nanmax. Default is numpy.nanmean for floating point variables, and None (= nearest neighbor) for integer and bool variables. * ``recover_nan`` (bool) - whether a special algorithm shall be used that is able to recover values that would otherwise yield NaN during resampling. Default is True for floating point variables, and False for integer and bool variables. Note that *var_configs* is only used if the resampling involves an affine transformation. This is true if the CRS of *source_gm* and CRS of *target_gm* are equal and one of two cases is given: 1. *source_gm* is regular. In this case the resampling is the affine transformation. and the result is returned directly. 2. *source_gm* is not regular and has a lower resolution than *target_cm*. In this case *dataset* is downsampled first using an affine transformation. Then the result is rectified. In all other cases, no affine transformation is applied and the resampling is a direct rectification. Args: dataset: The source dataset. source_gm: The source grid mapping. target_gm: The target grid mapping. Must be regular. var_configs: Optional resampling configurations for individual variables. encode_cf: Whether to encode the target grid mapping into the resampled dataset in a CF-compliant way. Defaults to ``True``. gm_name: Name for the grid mapping variable. Defaults to "crs". Used only if *encode_cf* is ``True``. Returns: The spatially resampled dataset, or None if the requested output area does not intersect with *dataset*. """ if source_gm is None: # No source grid mapping given, so do derive it from dataset source_gm = GridMapping.from_dataset(dataset) if target_gm is None: # No target grid mapping given, so do derive it from source target_gm = source_gm.to_regular() if source_gm.is_close(target_gm): # If source and target grid mappings are almost equal return dataset # target_gm must be regular GridMapping.assert_regular(target_gm, name="target_gm") # Are source and target both geographic grid mappings? both_geographic = and if both_geographic or == # If CRSes are both geographic or their CRSes are equal: if source_gm.is_regular: # If also the source is regular, then resampling reduces # to an affine transformation. return affine_transform_dataset( dataset, source_gm=source_gm, target_gm=target_gm, var_configs=var_configs, encode_cf=encode_cf, gm_name=gm_name, ) # If the source is not regular, we need to rectify it, # so the target is regular. Our rectification implementation # works only correctly if source pixel size >= target pixel # size. Therefore, check if we must downscale source first. x_scale = source_gm.x_res / target_gm.x_res y_scale = source_gm.y_res / target_gm.y_res if x_scale > _SCALE_LIMIT and y_scale > _SCALE_LIMIT: # Source pixel size >= target pixel size. # We can rectify. return rectify_dataset( dataset, source_gm=source_gm, target_gm=target_gm, encode_cf=encode_cf, gm_name=gm_name, **(rectify_kwargs or {}) ) # Source has higher resolution than target. # Downscale first, then rectify if source_gm.is_regular: # If source is regular downscaled_gm = source_gm.scale((x_scale, y_scale)) downscaled_dataset = resample_dataset( dataset, ((x_scale, 1, 0), (1, y_scale, 0)), size=downscaled_gm.size, tile_size=source_gm.tile_size, xy_dim_names=source_gm.xy_dim_names, var_configs=var_configs, ) else: _, downscaled_size = scale_xy_res_and_size( source_gm.xy_res, source_gm.size, (x_scale, y_scale) ) downscaled_dataset = resample_dataset( dataset, ((x_scale, 1, 0), (1, y_scale, 0)), size=downscaled_size, tile_size=source_gm.tile_size, xy_dim_names=source_gm.xy_dim_names, var_configs=var_configs, ) downscaled_gm = GridMapping.from_dataset( downscaled_dataset, tile_size=source_gm.tile_size,, ) return rectify_dataset( downscaled_dataset, source_gm=downscaled_gm, target_gm=target_gm, encode_cf=encode_cf, gm_name=gm_name, **(rectify_kwargs or {}) ) # If CRSes are not both geographic and their CRSes are different # transform the source_gm so its CRS matches the target CRS: transformed_source_gm = source_gm.transform( transformed_x, transformed_y = transformed_source_gm.xy_coords return resample_in_space( dataset.assign(transformed_x=transformed_x, transformed_y=transformed_y), source_gm=transformed_source_gm, target_gm=target_gm, gm_name=gm_name, )